921 Results based on your selections.
An accomplished campus life leader who held professional and governance roles at Brown, Oberlin, Duke, Syracuse and Trinity College, Estes leaves a legacy as a caring, trusted colleague deeply committed to students.
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The budget includes investments in student scholarships, salaries and benefits for faculty and staff, plans to advance research, a new approach to career preparation, voluntary contributions to Providence, and more.
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The prestigious fellowships will support the creation of new books by Matthew Pratt Guterl, a professor of Africana studies and American studies, and Laird Hunt, a professor of literary arts.
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After months of committee analysis and deliberation, Brown’s president accepted the recommendations of a group charged to examine whether Brown’s admissions practices align with its commitments to excellence, access and diversity.
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The newly elected Democratic congressman called for action on affordable housing, AI and gun control as he delivered the Noah Krieger ’93 Memorial Lecture at Brown’s Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy.
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