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August 23, 2006
Contact: Molly de Ramel
(401) 863-2476

Brown’s Remote T.V. Interview Studio Is Up and Running

Broadcast media now have quick and easy access to the expertise and informed critical commentary of Brown University faculty. The University has installed a remote broadcast interview facility that can connect faculty experts quickly with broadcast reporters and anchors anywhere in the world. Brown’s Office of Media Relations operates the facility.

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PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Brown University now has a direct link to Live Studio: A Boston Bureau Productions Company for uplink to C- and Ku-band satellite, as well as VYVX fiberoptic for television. The new broadcast interview studio is set up to respond quickly and easily to any media request anywhere in the world.


Remote possibilities
Wendy Schiller, associate professor of political science, has used Brown’s new remote interview studio to comment on U.S. Senate and House races for television news organizations.
Image: John Abromowski

With access to more than 600 faculty members across nearly 100 academic departments, institutes, centers and research groups, Brown’s Office of Media Relations can arrange in-depth, expert interviews on almost any issue, including medical/health sciences, physical and geological sciences, NASA missions and planetary geology, politics and elections, arts and culture, war and peace, international political history, and international environmental issues as well as issues in higher education (admissions, financial aid, student life and fund raising).

To identify expert sources for a particular story or to schedule interviews, contact the Office of Media Relations. The staff has area specialties, but any staff member can assist on any request:

Molly de Ramel, Director of Media Relations
   Office: (401) 863-9725   Cell: (401)965-1593

Wendy Lawton, Senior Science Writer for Medical and Life Sciences
   Office: (401) 863-1862   Cell: (401)837-6055

Marty Downs, Science Media Specialist for Physical Sciences [beginning Sept. 5, 2006]
   Office: (401) 863-2752   Cell: (617) 833-7930

Deborah Baum, Media Relations Specialist for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
   Office: (401) 863-2478   Cell: (917) 544-8655

A database of faculty and research is available at
