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Science Magazine April 21, 2006
Bridging the divide in the Holy Land
Last year, UNESCO's Israeli-Palestinian Scientific Organization, which supports collaborative projects that involve scientists from both sides of the ethnic divide, awarded its first 10 grants. This article follows some of the scientists’ works in progress. Environmental researcher Yaakov Garb, a visiting assistant professor of research at the Watson Institute’s Global Environment Program and co-director of the Brown-based Middle East Environmental Futures Project, is interviewed for this article and its sidebar.

ScienceNOW April 26, 2006
Bleached coral can cheat death
A new study published in the journal Nature reports that some species of coral may be equipped with a previously unknown coping mechanism that helps them survive bleaching by unusually warm ocean water. The discovery could help scientists better predict how reefs will respond to global warming. James Palardy, a Brown University graduate student, is a co-author of the study. ScienceNOW is the companion Web site to Science magazine.

Reuters April 28, 2006
Rhode Island embarks on statewide wireless network
Brown University is one of the partners in a project to offer a statewide wireless broadband network called RI-WINS. Brown graduate students will use the wireless network when teaching public school students. This wire-service story was distributed to media outlets around the world.

Associated Press April 29, 2006
Ex-athletes carry gridiron glory to political arena
Political Science Professor Darrell West, co-author of “Celebrity Politics,” is interviewed for this wire-service article about famous former athletes running for political office. “The more successful you've been as an athlete, the more successful you will be politically, because people have positive memories," West says. The article appeared in more than 40 newspapers across the country.

Providence Journal April 30, 2006
Moses and John Brown, reexamined
This article examines author Charles Rappleye and his new book, “Sons of Providence: The Brown Brothers, the Slave Trade, and the American Revolution.”