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In the News
May 19, 2006

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New Bedford (Mass.) Standard-Times May 18, 2006
Portrait of an artist
This commentary reflects on New Bedford resident Mel Yoken, his donation to Brown of a collection of letters he amassed while a student and throughout his adult life, and the May 15 Yoken Lecture, “Paris to the Moon,” presented by essayist Adam Gopnik.

Washington Post May 17, 2006
A city's changing face
In an article about post-Katrina New Orleans, Sociology Professor John Logan, who is conducting a long-term study of demographic change in the area, notes the changing political clout of several of the city’s neighborhoods. Versions of this article appeared in other newspapers and in wire service articles.

Public Radio International’s "Open Source" May 18, 2006
Harnessing remittances
Brown students Greta Pemberton ‘06 and Henry Shepherd ’08 produced “Harnessing Remittances,” which aired on “Open Source,” a radio show syndicated nationally by Public Radio International. The segment (audio available at addresses the billions of dollars, known as remittances, that are sent by migrant workers to their families at home. The students interned at “Open Source” this semester, and produced “Harnessing Remittances” as their final project in an independent study jointly supervised by Geoffrey Kirkman, associate director and fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies, and Christopher Lydon, the “Open Source” host who is a visiting senior fellow at the Institute.

Providence Journal May 19, 2006
Cosmetic surgery overseas ends in death for R.I. woman
Associate Professor of Surgery Patrick Sullivan discusses the dangers of traveling overseas to undergo plastic surgery.

Providence Journal May 19, 2006
Carcieri critic to seek election
Dennis W. Michaud, adjunct assistant professor of economics, notified the state Board of Elections of his plans to challenge Republican Gov, Donald Carcieri in a primary.

Connecticut College May 18, 2006
Armando Bengochea appointed dean of the college community
Associate Dean of the College Armando Bengochea has been named the Dean of the College Community at Connecticut College. He will serve as the college«s senior diversity officer and the chief student affairs officer.