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Journal of the American Medical Association August 16, 2006
Anti-HIV microbicide efforts press on
An article about the challenges in creating an anti-HIV microbicide includes remarks from Dr. Kenneth Mayer, professor of medical and community health who is the lead author of a study of tenofovir, which is in phase 2 and 3 trials in Thailand and the United States. Mayer calls the current climate “a very exciting time” for microbicide research and development.

Boston Globe August 19, 2006
Hearts and minds
An article about America’s Muslim community cites research by sociology Professor John Logan, who found that instead of living in the sort of ethnic ghettos one sees on the outskirts of Paris or London, American Muslims, like the rest of the professional class, tend to live in the suburbs (with the notable exception of African-American Muslims).

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette August 20, 2006
State's top 10 political contributors put money where interests are
Wendy Schiller, associate professor of political science, discusses what motivates elite donors to contribute to congressional campaigns.

Providence Business News August 19, 2006
New 2-year degree offered in robotics
Chad Jenkins, assistant professor of computer science, discusses the demand for robotics engineers in this article about Johnson and Wales University’s new two-year robotic engineering program.

Providence Business News August 19, 2006
'Physics First' shakes up order of science learning
In five of Rhode Island’s public schools, the science curriculum for entering students is being switched around in a program known as Physics First, which changes the standard order of science classes so that entering ninth graders will take physics in their first year of high school, chemistry in their second year and biology in their third year. Janet Blume, associate professor of engineering, reflects on the benefits of the program.

North Andover (Mass.) Eagle-Tribune August 20, 2006
Coffee stirs up debate at Andover High
Judith Owens, associate professor of pediatrics, criticizes Andover High School’s decision to sell coffee to students. "Caffeine is a drug," she said, "but a lot of parents don't want to admit it."