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September 27, 2006

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Washington Post September 25, 2006
Plumbing the depths of depression
In an article exploring depression and its various treatments, Peter Kramer notes that the field of psychiatry “is very much waiting for the next breakthrough. We'd like to have a few more arrows in the quiver."

Associated Press September 26, 2006
Senate candidates set tone in first ads after primary
Professor of Political Science Darrell West comments on R.I. Sen. Lincoln Chafee’s post-primary advertising strategy. This article appeared in a number of publications, including the Boston Globe.

WebMD September 6, 2006
Hoodia: Lots of hoopla, little science
David MacLean, M.D., adjunct associate professor of medicine, discusses the science behind claims about the appetite suppressant that comes from the hoodia plant. MacLean conducted one of the few scientific studies of hoodia.

PR Newswire September 26, 2006
The coming crisis in citizenship: Unprecedented study exposes higher education's failure to teach America's history and essential institutions
The Intercollegiate Studies Institute has released a report titled "The Coming Crisis in Citizenship: Higher Education's Failure to Teach America's History and Institutions." In it, Brown University is cited as one of the colleges and universities “failing to add to their graduates' understanding of America's history and essential institutions.”

Brown University Press Release September 26, 2006
Environmental artist to install sapling sculpture on Front Campus
“Whimsical,” “fanciful,” and “hobbit-like” have been used to describe world-renowned artist Patrick Dougherty’s installation work. Commissioned by the Public Art Committee at Brown University, Dougherty will spend three weeks on campus in October creating an organic structure on the Front Campus, fashioned from locally harvested saplings. Volunteers are invited to participate.