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Engineering Mechanics & Materials in the Oilfield:
Academia-Industry Opportunities

Nathan Wicks, Schlumberger  6177682197

Pedro Reis, MIT,

Katia Bertoldi Harvard University

Agathe Robisson, Schlumberger

(Mechanics of Solids and Structures)

Oil and gas are becoming more technically challenging to find, access, and produce; shale (tight) gas reservoirs must be fractured to improve conductivity, horizontal wells are drilled with advanced guidance systems to deeper and hotter places, short and long term wellbore isolation are major concerns. The range of scientific issues faced by the oilfield represents an immense research opportunity for the academic world. This symposium aims at promoting and highlighting successful collaborations between industrial and academic researchers to address these scientific challenges facing the industry.

Topics of interest include:

  • High temperature polymers
  • Tubular mechanics
  • Dynamics of drilling systems
  • Wellbore zonal isolation (cement and elastomers)
  • Swellable seals
  • Hydraulic fracturing


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