Vestibular Influence on Eye Movements


RHSC2, Chapters 2, 9.2

Victor J. Wilson & Geoffrey Melvill-Jones, Mammalian Vestibular Physiology, Plenum Press (1979) try chapter 3. [QP471/W54], on reserve

The Neurology of Eye Movements 2nd Ed., by John Leigh & David Zee, F.A. Davis Co., Philadelphia (1993). RC 321.C66

Lisberger & Sejnowski, Nature 360: 104, 159; "Motor learning in a recurrent network model based on the vestibuloocular reflex," (Nov 12, 1992)

Vestibuloocular reflex
The most important influence of the vestibular apparatus on eye movements is the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR). The VOR is a compensatory eye movement to cancel head rotation and maintain fixation. As you learned in the Canal Mechanics lecture, the dynamics of the SCC are such that the vestibular apparatus is fundamentally an angular accelerometer that acts as a velocity transducer in the physiological range of sinusoidal rotations. Thus the VOR is not a sustained reflex; after many seconds of steady rotation the stimulus for eye movement will die down. Furthermore, during continuous rotation in one direction the limit of compensatory eye movement will be reached after 50 degrees or so; after that a vestibular nystagmus (VN) will commence; VN has a fast and slow phase; the quick phase will reset the eye to begin another slow phase of true VOR. The VOR can be measured in the dark, and in fact should be; in the light another factor, optokinesis, (and its attendant nystagmus) competes with VOR for control of eye movements.

Vestibular nucleus
The star of this lecture is the vestibular nucleus: its afferents, its efferents, and its role in control of eye movements. In fact it's nuclei plural: there are several (4, + x,y,z nuclei...) on each side of the brain. We'll mainly concern ourselves with the parts of the vestibular nuclei which receive afferents from the horizontal canals, and how the signals from the horizontal canals carry out the vestibuloocular reflex, in the horizontal plane.

"The vestibular nuclei provide the largest single source of fibers to the oculomotor nuclei..." RHSC2 p. 218, chpt 8.

The Vestib Nuc is also a major source of input to cerebellum.
Vestib Nuc affects various spinal reflexes associated with balance.

Inputs to Vestibular Nucleus
Other inputs to Vestib Nuc: from cerebellum (flocculonodular node) and the deep cerebellar fastigal nucleus. AND from contralateral Vestib Nuc! See RHSC2 chpt 9.2, p. 216:

Vestib Nuc also responds to vision: visual slip, so it must receive a visual input.

The Vestib Nuc also needs eye movement information, but not from proprioception: RSHC2 p 217: "Since it also receives connections from both of the main accessory oculomotor nuclei--the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and the interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)--from the preoculomotor reticular areas, and from the oculomotor nuclei themselves, it may well be the point at which the eye movement information that is present in vestibular nuclei activity is added to signals carrying visual and vestibular estimates of head velocity..."

superior vestibular nucleus = SVN; medial vestibular nucleus = MVN;
§9.2 of RHSC2. "...MVN neurons respond mostly to stimulation of the horizontal canal."

Cell types in the Vestib Nuc
The responses of neurons in Vestib Nuc, p. 222
type I: ipsi canal drives it, 2/3 are type I
turning to the ipsi side is excitatory...
type II receives input only from type I on the other side of the brain, and are inhibitory to type I on the same side. It seems that type II's also project to abducens nucleus...
Leigh & Zee p. 22: "...ipsilateral type I vestibular neurons drive contralateral type II neurons" See Fig.'s 9.10 & 9.11 in RHSC2. Type II neurons can inhibit other Vestib Nuc cells!
A push-pull system, to convert the unidirectional into bidirectional response. Shown below is half of a push-pull arrangement; the right side type I must have a symmetric connection to the left...

p. 220 "The major descending outflow from the vestibular nuclei is to the spinal cord, in the vestibulospinal tract (originating in the LVN, which is somatopically arranged), and in the MLF (from the MVN). The LVN projects to all spinal levels and probably influences muscle tone and posture, whereas the MLF projects only to the cervical area (very likely serving the vestibulocollic reflexes)..."

RHSC2, §9.2.4 starting on the bottom of page 221. 66% of Vestib Nuc cells are type 1, which respond to ipsi canal stimulation, 33% respond to contra.

Static tilt
Involvement of utricle and saccule. More pronounced in rabbits. See Figure in RHSC.
Blow up a balloon and draw eyes on the side. Draw vertically slit pupils, for orientation.
Put on bunny ears. Rabbit makes "pitch" rotation: one eye looks up, the other looks down.
Make rabbit look down. Show how torsion movements would maintain the gaze of the rabbit. Does looking up and down evoke static tilt in humans?

Gain of VOR. Ideally, the gain of the VOR should be precisely -1.00, to compensate exactly for head rotation. What is the gain of the VOR in the dark? It seems to be a little less than 1.0. And we know from previous work on the canal, that the magnitude of the vestibular response to a ramp will decline as the head rotation continues. Why not measure VOR gain in the light? If you do, results will be mixed with optokinesis.

Use of guinea pig for consistent VOR.

Modelling the VOR: See diagram below:

Startling observation for model: The time constant of decline for the VOR is greater than the time constant of decline for the vestibular system recorded in VIII neurons! "Velocity storage" needed, at the level of the Vestib Nuc, in association with the cerebellum.

Latency of VOR: short! about 15 msec! Why? partly because of the speed of the hair cell response.

What does a motoneuron in the Oculomotor nucleus (OMN) do?

this "force" overcomes the "mechanics of the plant"

Frequency response & Demos

Why can you read better when your head is rotating, vs the page rotating?

How to measure VOR-gain, phase

From Leigh & Zee, page 21: "For each of the vertical canal-extraocular muscle pairs, one muscle receives a crossed and the other an uncrossed innervation."

What to say about frequency response? Fig 2.21 of RHSC2 shows a "flat curve" out to 1 Hz. Ellen Barton's thesis says it's flat out to 4 Hz. This is the "physiological range" for head rotation. What do you get with the Bode plot sketch of the vestibular transfer function, as you learned in Circuits class? Don't forget the s2 term.
What about phase change? See RHSC2 chpt 2 figure.

Caloric testing of the canals

Lee & Zeigh, pages 28-29: while supine and head tilted 30° up, infuse 45°C = 113°F hot water into external auditory meatus for 40 sec, and then after a recovery period, at 30°C for 40 sec. thermal gradients principally stimulate the lateral semicircular canals... Maximum slow-phase velocity is generally considered the most reliable index of peripheral vestibular function. Observe vestibular nystagmus with no head rotation!

2006: Misha says use cold water... will cause nausea as well as nystagmus!

Lisberger & Sejnowski model

and see Sejnowski + Churchland book...
The diagram for the Lisberger & Sejnowski system is shown below. It's a positive feedback system that remembers time constant mismatch. If T(s) = F(s) then E=V

Cooperation with optokinetic nystagmus in the light
Gain of OK reflex should be +1.00
OK reflex comes on slower than VOR, but doesn't taper off. The two effects complement each other. What transfer function models the slower OK? First order LP...

When both OK and Vestibular input are active, why don't we get a gain greater than 1?
Or a gain almost zero?

Review of Wilson & Melvill Jones
Chapter 5, "Labyrinthine input to the vestibular nuclei and reticular formation"
good figures 5.7, 5.8 for contralateral stimulation...
p.147 Vestibular neurons are typically spontaneously active
p. 150 cell types, see above...
158-160 visually generated signals, 1975 ref, UCB work.
fig. 5.12, eye-movement related units (not responsive to head only movement)
Fig. 5.8. Commisural pathways for inhibition: type I drives type II across the commisure, then type II inhibits local type I.
Chapter 7, "The vestibulospinal system"
neck reflexes
Chapter 8, "The vestibuloocular system"
pages 273-80, nystagmus
Is it an oscillator?
Is a threshold involved? look at tracings...doesn't seem to be
role of reticular formation

Minimal, but realistic, neural model "wiring diagram" for VOR

(2006) Shown below is a minimal model for horizontal VOR, from the SCC's on the left to the eye muscles on the right. The model is a top-down view. In green are the OMN, with the Abducens nuclei responsible for controlling the lateral recti. In red are inhibitory neurons in the Vestib Nuc, as well as "projection cells" in blue from the Vestib Nuc to the OMN. One "design spec" met by the model: that either SCC by itself can influence all 4 eye muscles. We know from monkey studies, where one VIII is inactivated, that after less than a month the remaining SCC can "reprogram" its synaptic weights (gains) and restore reasonable VOR.

Notice that the medial pathways in between the Vestib Nuclei on both sides form a push-pull system: a positive feedback loop with two inhibitory neurons.

The lateral pathway blue projection neurons of the Vestib Nuc must be spontaneously active because in the minimal model they have only inhibitory input. If the contra canal hair cells depolarize and excite the corresponding VIII nerve, the contra projection neuron drives an inhibitory cell that inhibits another I cells that normally suppresses the ipsi projection; the result: the ipsi lateral rectus contracts.

How does the ipsi SCC control the ipsi lateral rectus? By the local feedback pathway from the medial projection neuron in the ipsi Vestib Nuc to the lateral red inhibitory neuron, shown in thick line, above.

Where are the inhibitory neurons seen by anatomists? In the Vestib nuc., and possible type II cells in abducens nucleus.

For instance, how is the ipsi lateral rectus inhibited during VOR? See RHSC2: page 218. Connection of Vest. Nuc. to abducens: "In the case of the abducens nucleus, single shocks of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve (VIII nerve) produce inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, whereas during repetitive stimulation the abducens neurons show periodic electrical phenomenon in step with the resultant horizontal nystagmus."

In the VOR, a head rotation to the left causes the left MR to contract. The projection to the MR is "ipsi," from OMN, cranial nerve III. Therefore the left horizontal canal, and left VIII nerve, must be excited by head rotation to the left. [Looking down from the top, CCW rotation must depolarize the hair cells of the left horizontal canal.]

The abducens, driving the right LatRec, is uncrossed and on the other side. To contract the LR on the other side the VN sends a projection across to the other Vestib Nuc (type II units) which then drives the abducens.

The left Vestib Nuc must excite the left OMN which contracts the left MR. The right MR is relaxed by the reduced activity of the right canal hair cells.

What about the other eye? the right LR must contract. But the right VIII nerve has a complementary response to the left VIII nerve...its activity decreases. [Decreased activity in the right Vestib Nuc causes "relaxation" of the LR antagonist, MR, on the right...] However, an excitatory signal from the left side, it turns out, crosses over to stimulate the right abducens nucleus. See RHSC2, Fig. 9.7. The Horizontal canal zone of Vestib Nuc inhibits ipsi abducens units, excites contra abducens. Is there a crossover directly from one Vestib Nuc to the other? Yes. Type I neurons in one Vestib Nuc cross over to stimulate type II neurons in the opposite Vestib Nuc. See figures on RHSC2 p. 223. [ Not to be confused with the type I and II hair cells that RHSC describes in chapter 2; (misprint for their label in figure 2.5.)] In engineering terms, this is a push - pull system.

How does the lateral rectus on the left become inhibited? There may be an inhibitory interneuron from VIII to the type 1 cell projecting to the abducens nucleus, AND there may be a projection across the commisure from the right Vestib Nuc, to a type 2 cell that goes to a IN neuron that projects to the type 1 going to abducens. Both paths would give another push pull effect on this other pathway. See 3 negatives in the path across the commisure. Path across the commisure is disrupted if one VIII is injured.

Yes, there must be a second inhibitory neuron on the excitatory neuron going to the abducens nucleus. And the reduced type I activity on the contra side, plus the increased inhibitory activity from the ipsi side must reduce the activity of the inhibitory neuron riding on the type I projecting to the abducens nucleus. There's gotta be some way to reverse the sign . There are other possibilities, in principle, but the 2 inhibitory neurons is a valid model to account for the whole VOR, from the horizontal canals.

See whiteboard image for a year 2000 "EN122 historical" diagram of VOR control, with an extra excitatory input in the pathway to the abducens nucleus.

Quick phase of Vestibular Nystagmus
What about the quick phase of vestibular nystagmus?
Researchers can't say for sure what causes quick phase to be triggered.
Quick Phase VOR does "suppress" the normal VOR response.

RHSC2 Chapter 2, "...even complete removal of the eye and muscles from the head does not abolish the rhythmic (nystagmus) activity of vestibular motoneurons"
What does this imply about mechanism of nystagmus?
RHSC2 p.228: something must "build up" (or a threshold must be reached) to generate a quick phase saccade...
during quick phase the opposite set of muscles must come into action...the normal VOR circuit above must be overridden by a saccade control .
"About half the units in the vestibular nuclei of the alert monkey respond to spontaneous saccades or nystagmus quick phases by bursts or pauses around 15 msec before the movement itself."
The MLF: quote of p. 229. Does its abolition remove the VOR? no, only the fast components.

Head and eye movement & VOR, fig 2.22. Slow phase is VOR.

"override" of VOR...try it with a mirror angled in front of one eye

* VOR is fast open loop response for stabilizing vision
vestibular vs optokinetic nystagmus.
* Compare VOR response to VIII nerve response: longer time constant
* Anatomy of VOR, excitation & inhibition to MR & LR on both sides
(Push pull system)
* Physiology of VN: type I (ipsi) and type II (contra-driven)
* too much rotation causes nystagmus...then nothing
* OK response "compensates" for long-time rotation
* neural integrators & freq. response



what about OKAN and V after nystagmus?

JNP 49: 134 (1983) Paige.

Describe physiology of Vestib Nuc neurons?

by quick phase of nystagmus
by visual fixation during head turning

Q: neck proprioception & PREDICTION, FROM SELF-ROTATION... keep head still, move body...not much reflex... static tilt from otolith organ example with balloon-rabbit, showing that superior recti (oblique?) must be active... Q: Continuous rotation produces nystagmus part VOR, part override of quick phase what happens if rotation goes on for, say, 30 sec? " " " stops? MEASURE IN THE DARK, AND IN THE LIGHT...OKN the other kind of nystagmus...starts up slowly, but continues indefinitely. canals provide velocity signal, OMN needs position output (or do we?) Q: implies what? "neural" integrator Frequency response, rolls off at 2-6 Hz stimulate with back-and-forth rotations...has acceleration components how to reconcile with vestibular frequency formula s*s/(s+a)(s+b) The muscle plant has an "integrator" built in probably different from velocity-to-position integrator... Anatomy of inhibition and excitation HC=horiz canal ipsi rot + type I, - type II (type II is inhibitory...) type I drives ipsi MR excitatory projection of type I to contra type II How does contra LR get excited? ipsi Vestib Nuc excites contra abducens... COMBINED HEAD AND EYE MOVEMENTS what about fast phase of V-nystagmus? build-up of inhibition... other overrides, for smooth pursuit KEC: VOR capable of stabilizing gaze over a remarkable range of frequencies (0.05-14 Hz) and velocities (up to 350°/sec) of head rotation. chapter 2: We've consider some of this material in a previous lecture on the vestibular apparatus; we worked up to understanding the frequency response (dynamics) of the system. There is a basic 3-neuron open-loop reflex arc, with a delay of 15 msec (vs 150 msec for smooth pursuit) Above 2 Hz the VOR gain drops below 1

NYSTAGMUS-a beating back and forth in response to unidirectional rotation-vestibular, slow and quick phases. vs optokinetic nystagmus.

QUESTION: how long can vestibular nystagmus continue? 30 sec? see homework problem...