

Faculty contact information:

Professor A.F. Bower
Room 731 Barus-Holley building     
ext 31493


Textbooks and Reference Material:

There is no required text for this course: the main reference will be the online notes.  However, you may find it helpful to buy a textbook to provide a source of additional practice problems, as well as another perspective on the course content.

The past few years have yielded a number of excellent modern treatments of continuum mechanics. The top two on the list below are both written by respected experts in the field and are highly recommended. 

  • Gurtin, Fried and Anand "The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua". Cambridge, 2009 Amazon link>>

  • Tadmor and Miller, "Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics: From Fundamental Principles to Governing Equations. Amazon link>> 

  • Bower "Applied Mechanics of Solids" (This is a broad survey of all of solid mechanics and was not designed as a continuum mechanics textbook. But buy lots of copies anyway. Or read it for free hereAmazon link>>

Class Schedule and Room Assignments:

Main Lectures:  12pm-12:50pm MWF Barus-Holley 155


Faculty office hours:

  • Monday 2pm-4pm (but not Mon Sept 10)
  • Tues 2pm-4pm

If these times are not convenient I will be happy to meet with you at other times - you can just stop by, but it is safer to email to set up an appointment.


Grading Policy

Your final score in the course will be determined using the following algorithm

We will follow the tenets of the Academic Honor Code of Brown University.  Honor code violations may result in loss of credit for the assignment involved, loss of credit for the course, or additional penalties as determined by the academic disciplinary committee.


Submitting work and collecting graded assignments

Homeworks and projects should be uploaded on Canvas.



Collaboration Policy

Homeworks: You may work on homework problems as a group.  However, any work submitted for grading must represent work done by the person who will receive credit for the assignment.  It is not acceptable for two students to submit identical copies of a homework problem.  It is not acceptable for one student to copy work previously done by another. 

Design Projects: The first design project will be done individually. You will work in pairs for the second design project, and a single group report and presentation are required. It is expected that work will be distributed fairly!

Examinations: No collaboration of any kind is permitted on examinations. Duh!