

5/15/2018: Grade distribution for final exam:



5/6/2018: Office hours during final exam week:

Mon Tu Wed Th Fri
2pm-3pm Section (Prof Xu) Bower
3pm-4pm Bower Bower Bower Bower
4pm-5pm   Bower Bower Bower
5pm-6pm Bower Bower Bower
6pm-7pm Odysseus Fernanda Shaghayegh Yixiang
7pm-8pm Odysseus Fernanda Shaghayegh Yxiang Max



5/3/2018: Solar Car Test Results:


Slope (deg)   0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 Steepest slope
Best speed (cm/s)   179 226.2 144 170 119 87.2 58.3 65.1 51.1 51
Group Mass   - - - - - - - -  
28 260 23.6 - - - 25 - - - - 15
Group 2 206 - 226.2 144 170 119 87.2 - - - 45
14 305 - 79.1 66.7 62.9 53.7 60.8 - - - 27.5
12 336 - 48.7 38.9 40.33 39.8 35.2 - - - 15
20 340 111 - - 44.4 - - 46.3 - - 25
Group 11 387 - - - 79.4 92.6 56.8 38.5 34.7 - 27.5
Group 6 305 87 86 58 46 - - - - -  
Tank Treads (Group 7) 245 - 128.8 83.1 73.2 67.2 - 54.1 - - 30
22 335   - 20 - - 17 - 12 - 17.5
17 540 - - 37 35 34 33 33 - - 15
Vroom vroom VROOM (group 9) 301   83.82 - - - 73.45 50.24 - - 40
Group 8 269 79.4 70.6 56.9 58.2 - 46.2 - - - 20
Group 5 369 - - 63 59 43 43 43 - - 25
Group 30 The AveNgers 306 52.3 - 28.18 - 21.25 - - - - 10
Group 25 356 59.5 38.83 67.79 - 45.19 38.7 - - - 15
Solar Car: Nothing is faster than the speed of light 217 95 - - - - - 50 - 38 40
Group 3 270   94 - 82.7 - 56.4 - 22.7 - 23
LAMP! (#15) 205   29.5 23.7 - 27.9 14.9 - - - 17.5
Group 4 400 - 52 - 48.4 - 47 41.5 - 24.6 20
Group 2 206 179 - - - - - 58.3 65.1 51.1 51
      - - - - - - - -  
Averages 307.9 85.9 85.23 57.27 66.63 51.69 46.9 46.1 33.63 37.9 25.21



Comparison of measured and predicted average speeds (using 307 gram car mass and 20% efficiency). The data shows the average car speeds for the past 4 years.


5/3/2018: Solar Car Project Reporting: After your tests, please fill out:

Peer Evaluations

Results Form



4/26/2018: Solar Car Project TA/faculty office hour schedule: The Brown Design Workshop will have a TA or faculty member present at the times indicated below.

If you plan to work on the solar cars on Sunday please sign up here to let the TAs know - they won't open the lab if nobody is signed up.


Solar Car
Sun Apr 29 Mon Apr 30 Tues May 1 Wed May 2 Thurs May 3
11am-noon Griffin Yixiang Yixiang
noon-1pm Griffin AFB AFB AFB AFB
1pm-2pm Rohan/ JX AFB JX AFB
2pm-3pm Rohan JX Michelle JX AFB
3pm-4pm Rohan AFB Michelle AFB AFB
4pm-5pm Avery Paula Fernanda AFB AFB
5pm-6pm Avery Paula Fernanda AFB AFB
6pm-7pm Avery Noe Fernanda Odysseas Rohan
7pm-8pm Paula Max Qi Odysseas / Shagha
8pm-9pm Paula Max Qi Odysseas / Shagha Noe / Yixiang
9pm-10pm Max Qi Walker Noe



You can reserve quadcopter test-stands here

Sun Apr 29 Mon Apr 30 Tues May 1 Wed May 2 Thurs May 3 Fri May 4
11am-noon Linda
noon-1pm AFB AFB AFB
1pm-2pm AFB Linda AFB
2pm-3pm Linda Linda AFB
3pm-4pm AFB AFB AFB
4pm-5pm Julian Linda AFB AFB
5pm-6pm Julian Linda AFB AFB
6pm-7pm Julian Julian Julian Linda AFB
7pm-8pm Julian Avery
8pm-9pm Linda Avery
9pm-10pm Linda


4/6/2018: Vibration Isolation Project TA Schedule: The Brown Design Workshop will have a TA or faculty member present at the times indicated below.

Sun Apr 8 Mon Apr 9 Tues Apr 10 Wed Apr 11 Thurs April 12
11am-noon Griffin Yixiang/Linda Yixiang/Linda
noon-1pm Griffin AFB AFB AFB
1pm-2pm Rohan JX AFB JX AFB
2pm-3pm Rohan JX JX AFB
3pm-4pm Rohan AFB Michelle AFB AFB
4pm-5pm Paula Michelle Fernanda AFB AFB
5pm-6pm Paula Michelle Fernanda AFB AFB
6pm-7pm Paula Noe Fernanda Odysseas Rohan
7pm-8pm Linda Max / Julian Qi Odysseas / Shagha Linda
8pm-9pm Linda Max / Julian Qi Odysseas / Shagha Noe / Yixiang
9pm-10pm Linda / Julian Max / Julian Qi Walker Noe
9pm-10pm Julian XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Shagha/ Walker Yixiang



3/26/2018: To be assigned to a project group for the vibration isolation project please fill out this form>>>
(Please fill out the form before 12:00 noon Thurs April 5. You will be notified of your team-mates by email by Fri April 6). If you find a team after filling out the form please email and ask her to remove you from the database.)


3/14/2018: Grade distributions for the midterm (excluding grades from the make-up exam) are shown below. The average was 65%. The midterm is worth only 10% of the grade so it's not really meaningful to assign letter grades to scores, but if this were the final grade distribution the A/B cutoff would be somewhere around 80% and B/C might be somewhere around 60. The final grade averages are usually a lot higher than those on exams, however, because people do better on homeworks and projects than exams, so the cutoffs based on the final grade distribution (including everything) are usually closer to 90% for the A/B and 80% for B/C.

Overall people did a great job and there were a number of perfect scores. At the same time we can see that some very smart people we've been working with closely in office hrs had a really bad day. If you got a low score, don't worry too much - a 1.5 hr exam tests only a small number of concepts and doesnt give you much time to think, and so doesnt always give a very accurate measure of ability - that's why we only give the midterm a low weight when computing the final class grade. If you are doing well on homeworks and projects you can still get a good grade. We are sure you'll all do better on the final.



3/8/2018: Office Hours for the Predator-Prey Project are listed below

Sat Mar 10 Sun Mar 11 Mon Mar 12 Tue Mar 13 Wed Mar 14 Thu Mar 16
10am-11am Griffin XXXXXXXXX Class Section XXXXXXXXXX
11am-noon Griffin XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Section
1pm-2pm Linda XXXXXXXXX Section AFB
2pm-3pm Paula Linda Linda AFB AFB
3pm-4pm Paula Linda AFB AFB AFB
4pm-5pm Paula Avery AFB Fernanda AFB AFB/Linda
5pm-6pm Michelle Avery Paula Fernanda AFB AFB/Linda
6pm-7pm Michelle   Paula/Noe Fernanda Odysseas XXXXXXXXXX
7pm-8pm Michelle   Avery/Max Qi/Julian Odysseas/Shagha XXXXXXXXXX
8pm-9pm   Michelle/Max Qi/Julian Odysseas/Shagha XXXXXXXXXX
9pm-10pm   Michelle/Max Qi/Julian Shagha/Walker XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX



2/16/2018: Office Hours for the Mass Launcher Project are listed below


Sun Feb 18 Mon Feb 19 Tue Feb 20 Wed Feb 21 Thu Feb 22
11am-noon XXXXXXXX Griffin XXXXXX Section XXXXXXXXX
1pm-2pm Rohan Linda Linda Section AFB
2pm-3pm Rohan Linda Linda Avery AFB
3pm-4pm Rohan AFB Linda AFB AFB
4pm-5pm Julian AFB Michelle/Fernanda AFB AFB/Avery
5pm-6pm Julian Michelle/Fernanda AFB/Michelle AFB/Avery
6pm-7pm Julian Noe Fernanda/Michelle Odysseas/Michelle Rohan/Griffin
7pm-8pm Paula Max Qi Odysseas/Shagha Walker/Griffin
8pm-9pm Paula Max Qi Odysseas/Shagha Noe/Yixiang
9pm-10pm Paula Max Qi Yixiang/Shagha Noe/Walker


2/9/2018: To be assigned to a project group for the mass launcher project please fill out this form>>>
(Please fill out the form before 10pm Wed Feb 14. You will be notified of your team-mates by email by Fri Feb 16). If you find a team after filling out the form please email and ask her to remove you from the database.)


1/26/2018: Additional weekend TA office hrs: Rohan Rastogi has kindly offered to hold extra office hours this week on Sunday Jan 28 from 1pm-3pm. This is an experiment - if people come we will offer weekend office hours regularly, but in the past they have not been attended. So if you'd like them, please come along!


1/26/2018: Office Hours have been scheduled as follows:

Mon Tu Wed Th
2pm-3pm Section XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Section Prof Bower
3pm-4pm Prof Bower XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Prof Bower Prof Bower
4pm-5pm XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Yixiang Deng Prof Bower Prof Bower
5pm-6pm XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Yixiang Deng Prof Bower Prof Bower
6pm-7pm Noe Lum Fernanda Lugo-Bolanos Odysseas Skartsis Walker Lee
7pm-8pm Max Lowndes Qi Zhang Odysseas Skartsis Rohan Rastogi
8pm-9pm Max Lowndes Qi Zhang Odysseas Skartsis Noe Lum
9pm-10pm Max Lowndes Qi Zhang Fernanda Lugo-Bolanos Noe Lum


1/20/2018: This is a quick note about arrangements for conferences and lectures next week.   As you may know:

(1) The common lectures at 9am on Tuesdays and Thursdays cover the class material.  
(2) The conference sections scheduled at 9, 10, 11, 1 and 2  on MWF are recitation sections.  The monday section usually works through example problems, the Wed section discusses homework assignments.   Sections generally don't meet Fridays, unless there is a design project presentation day.    All the conferences will cover the same material.   You can go to any section you like, and dont need to attend the same one each week - just use them in any way that helps you.

The conference sessions on Wed Jan 24, Mon Jan 29 and Wed Jan 31 will do worked examples to help you with our matlab tutorial and (on Wed Jan 31) answer questions about the first matlab homework. (due Feb 2).  You might find it helpful to bring a laptop with matlab on it to these sections so you can follow along with the examples.

  If you have a lot of matlab experience, (and maybe have already done the tutorial and homework) you can skip the first three matlab sections (although of course we will be sad not to see you!). 

  Lecture on Thursday will introduce the subject and organization of the class.


10/31/2017: Thank you for considering taking EN40 next semester - we hope we get a chance to work with you!