

Faculty contact information:

Professor A.F. Bower
Room 731 Barus-Holley building     
ext 31493


Textbooks and Reference Material:

There is no required text for this course: the main reference will be class notes.  However, you may find it helpful to buy a textbook to provide a another perspective on the course content and to study more advanced material on your own.

  • ABAQUS documentation (requires registration - I tried to use this on Chrome and it didnt work; you might have better luck. Documentation is available through our installed ABAQUS, and you can google manuals for older versions online)
  • T. Belytschko, W.K. Liu, B. Moran Nonlinear finite elements for continua and structures, Wiley, 2000. Amazon>>
  • A.F. Bower Applied Mechanics of Solids Taylor and Francis, 2009 (CH7 and 8); Amazon >>
  • K.J. Bathe Finite Element Procedures Prentice Hall, 1995 Amazon >> Free pdf of 2nd edition >>
  • O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics 6th ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005 Amazon>> (also available on Knovel through Brown library)
  • Carlos Felippa's FEA courses Link>>

Class Schedule and Room Assignments:

Mon, Wed 8:30am-9:50am Barus Holley 190


Faculty office hours (start Sept 18):

  • Mon 10:00pm-12:00pm (AFB - room 731 B&H)
  • Wed 10am-12pm (AFB - room 731 B&H)

If these times are not convenient I will be happy to meet with you at other times - you can try your luck and just stop by, but it is safer to email to set up an appointment.


Grading Policy

Your final score in the course will be based on

Since this is primarily a code development/project based course numerical grades will not be used. Instead, your grade will be determined by the following rubric

We will follow the tenets of the Academic Honor Code of Brown University.  Honor code violations may result in loss of credit for the assignment involved, loss of credit for the course, or additional penalties as determined by the academic disciplinary committee.


Submitting work and collecting graded assignments


Assignments and project work should be submitted via Canvas or (for EN234FEA coding) uploaded on GitHub.

Graded assignments will be returned electronically through Canvas.



Collaboration Policy

Homeworks: You may work on homework problems as a group.  However, any work submitted for grading must represent work done by the person who will receive credit for the assignment.  It is not acceptable for two students to submit identical copies of a homework problem.  It is not acceptable for one student to copy work previously done by another. 

Design Projects: Your project should be done individually.