Design Projects


We plan to hold four design projects.  Details of each project are given below. We hope we will be able to run these as planned this year, but some of the projects may be changed or updated, depending on the availability of resources and COVID related restrictions.


1. Design and construction of a spring loaded mass launcher



  1. Sign up for a project group in Canvas or ask to be assigned to a random group by 5pm Wed Feb 23. You can find instructions for canvas group signup here >>
  2. Sign up for a test time (a 30 min slot between 9am - 5pm on March 4) in Canvas by 5pm Wed March 2
  3. Reports must be uploaded to CANVAS by 9am March 4. Test date Fri March 4.(Makeups will be scheduled for groups with members who can't make it eg because of quarantine or illness). To schedule a make-up test please complete this form>>

Detailed Project Description

Video Introduction >>

  1. Project Overview >>
  2. Introduction to the MATLAB optimizers (fminunc and fmincon) >>
  3. How to set up the design calculation with the optimizer >>
  4. Image processing your high-speed video >>

MATLAB design code template

High speed video sample

MATLAB code to convert MOV file to images

MATLAB image processing code (to measure mass position-v-time)


(Deadline: Wednesday Feb 23, 5pm)


Peer Evaluation Form (complete after your project test) >>




In this project you will use MATLAB simulations to design a simple system to launch a mass to the maximum possible height. You will also write a MATLAB code to determine the actual launch velocity from images captured by high-speed photography. The device will be assembled and tested



  • This is a group project. You can organize your own project groups for the project (with some restrictions - see below), or if you are feeling adventurous and would like to meet new people, can ask to be assigned to a random group, using this form >>.
    • Project groups may consist of 2-4 people
    • As you form your groups, please make sure that your schedules will allow all group members to be present during one of the test time slots. Tests will run at 30 min intervals (with 3 parallel tests) from 9am - 5pm on FridayMarch 4, in Brown Design Workshop.
    • Please sign up your group members into a project group, or request a random group assignment, by 5pm Wed Feb 23.
  • The project deliverables are:
    • A MATLAB code that will predict the optimal combination of masses and springs;
    • A MATLAB code that will read a ‘csv’ file of the position of each mass in the system as a function of time (measured using a high-speed camera), determine and plot the velocity of each mass as a function of time, and compare the measured and predicted velocities;
    • A 3-4 page report summarizing your design calculations and the final design.
  • To sign up for a project group, go to Canvas, select People, then select the Groups tab. A list of project groups should come up.
  • To schedule a test time, (i) log into your Canvas account; (ii) Select ENGN0040 (the front page is fine) then select the Calendar. You should see a button for 'appointments' or something of that nature on the right.


2. Non-Trivial Pursuit


  1. Form project groups or request a random group assignment by 5pm Wed March 9th. You can find instructions for canvas group signup here >>
  2. Schedule a contest in Canvas 5pm Wednesday March 16th
  3. Code must be submitted (Canvas upload) by 6pm Thursday March 17th;
  4. Presentations must be submitted (upload a file or link to Canvas) by 9am Fri July 2.
  5. Tests run 9am-5pm on Friday March 18th. To schedule a make-up test (if you are unable to attend March 18) please complete this form>>
  6. Reports (one per group) are due 5pm Mon March 21st.

Detailed Project Description >>

Video Introduction >>

  1. Project overview
  2. Setting up equations of motion
  3. Using the template code to develop your controller function
  4. Suggested predator strategy
  5. Avoiding ground and refueling
  6. How to prepare and test your code before submitting it

CODE TEMPLATE (m file) >>



(make sure your code runs correctly with the function tester before submitting it. See the project description for instructions)


Peer Evaluation Form (complete after your report is submitted) >>



  • This is a group project. You can form your own groups (5 members max) or ask to be assigned to a random group by completing this form
  • Project tests will take place on Friday March 18; Tests take 30 mins. On test day your group will give a short 5 min presentation to explain your strategy to the competing team, and then test your strategy against a competing team.
  • The project deliverables are:
    • A MATLAB script that determines the forces to act on predator / prey given the positions and velocities of the two competitors
    • An oral presentation to faculty, TAs and the competing team summarizing your predator and prey strategies (5 mins max, to leave time for contests)
    • A report (one per group) describing your design procedure and solution
    • An individual statement of your contribution to the team, which will be graded by team members.

Project outline:

Pursuit problems are ubiquitous in engineering, mathematics, and computer science. The 'Homicidal Chauffeur Problem' is a famous example. For a more humane example from biology, you could watch this famous movie of a white blood-cell chasing a bacterium. In the classic pursuit problem, a fast, but poorly maneuverable hunter chases a slower, but highly maneuverable prey. The hunter and prey both seek optimal strategies to catch, or to escape, their competitor.

In this design project you will work on a computerized version of a pursuit problem that represents, approximately, a large drone in pursuit of a smaller one.  The predator must choose the magnitude and direction of its propulsive force to try to catch the prey; while the prey must try to escape. Both competitors have a finite energy reserve, but can refuel by landing. A hard landing will cause the vehicle to crash.  

The goal of the design project is to write MATLAB scripts that determine the forces that must act on the predator and the prey to achieve their objectives.   Your design team must write codes for both predator and prey.   Your codes will then be tested against those of a competing group.  The winning team will be chosen based on a combination of how long your prey can escape the competing predator, together with how quickly your predator can catch the prey designed by the competing team.




3. Design of a Vibration Isolation System



  1. Form project groups or request a random group assignment by 5pm Wed April 6th. You can find instructions for canvas group signup here >>
  2. Brown Design Workshop open for construction April 11-April 14
  3. Schedule a test/presentation by 5pm Wednesday 13th
  4. Reports due 9am Friday April 15th
  5. Tests run 9am-5pm on Friday April 15th. To schedule a make-up test please complete this form>>



Video Introduction: >

MATLAB code to read accelerometers >

Arduino sketch to read accelerometers (you will not need this unless you want to do something fancy) >


Peer Evaluation Form (complete after your report is submitted) >>


You will design, build and test a system to isolate a sensitive instrument from ground-borne vibrations.  The deliverables for this project are:

  1. A fabricated vibration isolation system
  2.  A short report that (a) describes your design process; (b) includes a calculated estimate of the natural frequency of your isolation system; (c) a measurement of the natural frequency of your isolation system; and (d) an estimate of the expected reduction in vibration amplitude that your device will achieve
  3. An oral presentation describing your design and demonstrating its performance.


  • The project can be done individually or in groups of up to 4
  • You will construct and test your designs in Brown Design Workshop222A. The shop will be open from Monday April 11 - Thurs April 14, during class / section hours and during regularly scheduled office hrs.
  • Designs will be tested on Friday April 15th, 9am-5pm. Tests and presentations will take 30 mins.



4. Design and construction of a small solar-powered vehicle


  1. Sign up for a project group (teams of up to 5) in Canvas or ask to be assigned to a random group by 5pm Mon April 25th. You can find instructions for canvas group signup here >>
  2. Brown Design Workshop will be open for construction from Monday May 2-Thursday May 5.
  3. Optional: Upload .stl files for 3D printing parts by Noon Monday May 2..
  4. Sign up for a test time (a 30 min slot between 9am - 5pm on May 6 in Canvas by 5pm Wed May 4.
  5. Reports must be uploaded to CANVAS by 9am May 6.
  6. Test date Fri May 6. To schedule a make-up test please complete this form>>



Detailed Project Description >>

MATLAB code for LIDAR speed sensors >>

Arduino code for LIDAR speed sensors (you probably wont need this) >>


Video Introduction>>

Peer Evaluation Form (complete after your report is submitted) >>


In this project you will design and construct a small solar powered vehicle to climb a ramp in the shortest possible time (since the project will run in New England in May we can't rely on the sun - the vehicle will be powered by banks of incandescent light-bulbs instead!).



  • This is a group project. You can form your own groups (5 members max) or ask to be assigned to a random group by completing this form. Please sign up your group members into a project group on Canvas before collecting your kit of car parts (see below for details) 
  • The project `deliverables’; are (i) An assembled and tested vehicle; (ii) A report (one report per group) describing your design, and describing the experiments and calculations you used to design it; (iii) a short oral presentation describing your design and design procedures; and (iv) a short evaluation of the performance of your team-mates on the project.
  • BDW access: BDW will be open for construction 9am-10pm Mon April 2 - Thurs April 5.   Note that you don't need to complete the design calculations before starting construction (in fact you will need to know your car mass before you can complete the calculations)
  • 3D printing parts for solar cars (optional - just for fun).   We are offering the opportunity to 3D print car parts this year as an experiment.   You don't need to 3D print anything, and if you do print parts it won't affect your project grades in any way.  But if your group is interested in 3D printing parts for your solar car, please
    1. Sign up your team-members into a project group on Canvas by Wed April 27
    2. Optional: Arrange for one of your group members to pick up the kit of parts for your car from room 157 Barus-Holley between 9am and 12:00 noon on Wed April 27 (this is optional, but it will help you with your CAD if you know what the parts look like).  You will need to tell us your group number when you sign out your kit so we can keep track of them.
    3. Design your parts using your favorite CAD program (solidworks/fusion360 eg), and export a .STL file
    4. Estimate print time on your own by putting in your .stl into Prusaslicer and generating a .gcode (instructions for the printer).  Use 0.2mm speed and 15% infill. Larger parts = larger print time.   The maximum print time is 4 hours. We will do our best to be flexible, but longer prints could mean longer delays in getting parts to you.
    5. Upload .STL files for your parts to Canvas as early as possible, and no later than noon on Monday.  In the comments section please let us know the print time, and please let us know if you think you will need supports or a brim for your print.
    6. We will print your parts and try to get them to you by Wednesday.
    7. We would prefer for you to upload your parts for us to print instead of printing them on your own (if you are trained in 3D printing) to avoid large queues for the printers. We have a couple of printers dedicated to ENGN40 next week, but many other students have final projects to print.
    8. For questions about printing please contact Sri Bellala
  • Parts Kits: A subset of car parts (motor/gearbox, solar panels, wheels, couplings) will be provided as a kit (one per group). You will need to tell us your group number when you sign out your kit so we can keep track of them, so please sign up for a group in Canvas before collecting your kit
    • You can collect your kit from room 157 Barus Holley between 9am and 12:00 noon on Wed April 27, or during the week of Mon April 2-April 5 at any time when a faculty member or TA is supervising in BDW
    • Solar panels provided with the kits are pre-mounted on a single sheet of foam-core, and are wired in parallel.   You will need to separate the panels into two pairs (to be mounted on the sides of your vehicle) by cutting the foam-core in two.   Be careful not to cut the wires while you do this, and tape the wires down to the foam core to prevent them from pulling off the solder tabs.
    • If you would prefer to mount your own panels we have a limited supply of loose panels.   You will need to solder wires to them and mount them to foam-core yourself to secure them.
    • Most motor/gearbox kits are new and you will need to assemble them.   Be very careful not to lose motor parts - they are very small.   We do not have spare parts for the motors.  You might find it helpful to keep everything on a plate/tray/bowl while working on the gearbox.   Also tape the wires attached to the motor to the gearbox housing immediately after assembly - it is very easy to pull the wires off the motor tabs, and soldering them back on is quite challenging.
    • If something is missing from your kit don't panic - we have additional stocks of wheels, couplings, motor mounts, shafts, etc.