






5/7/2022: Solar Car Test Results 2022


Slope (deg) Mass 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Best speed (cm/s) 137.93 129.03 87.92 67.22 59.88 35.92 34.46 47.17 32.26
Group 13 (Rens Men) .25 kg 41.67 37.03 26.5 26.5
Group 13 (Ren’s men) .25kg 22.7
Fruit Crew 0.32391 43.75 23.29 8.55
18 0.231 42.78 43.24 33.5 23.21
Group 30 0.347 kg 46.45 15.5 11.05
23 0.248 kg 55 31 21 16
Group 24 240g 58.33 36.6 8.09
SolaRollaz (Group 12) 0.293 kg 45.6 23.9 15.7
Slaymobile (group 36) 282 g 43.8 38.7 33.1 33.5
J3L 273g 69.56 34.04 25.8
25 0.327 kg 44.16 27.4
JACE/Group 14 250 g 36.14 28.75 20.8 18.9
Chameleon 290.86 26.48 20.779 17.74 23.46
Group 33 0.242 kg 57.637 32.877
33 0.242 kg 62.827
Group 16 .292 kg 49 54.4 23.46 21.2
Group 9 266.35 71.54 59.88 47.17 30.12
Group9 266.35 88.57
Group 6 270 grams 68.32 63.35 20.28 14.73
Group 26 287 g 50.8 35.9 14.3
Group 15 260.53 56.18 49.75 41.15 39.84
Group 4 0.263 kg 56.6 56.6 45.7 33.5 32.6 31.5 15.73
Group 40 0.2574 kg 56.6 43.2 36.5 32.6
Group 10
(0.235 kg)
46.62 28.84 35.92 34.46
Group 34 0.210 kg 137.93 129.03 87.92 67.22 32.26
Group 32 198 35.6
Group 17 325 g 76.19 74.77 64 42.33 15.739
11 312 grams 61.1 23.95 22.8 15.53
NazCar 215g 70.175 75.9 42.6 35.8 26.6
21 238 60.6 52.4 16.2
Averages 180.77 60.25 47.46 45.79 28.00 34.25 21.19 23.52 22.67 23.01





4/23/2022: Invitation to join Data Science Focus Group Wed May 5 11:30am (location TBA)

As a student enrolled in engineering, you are invited to participate in a focus group discussion where you will be asked about your experiences learning data science concepts in engineering. This study is part of an NSF TRIPODS-X grant that is exploring students’ misconceptions about data science concepts as they begin their data science education. Because data science itself is a highly interdisciplinary field we are looking to include student experiences in data science courses, as well as courses in related disciplines, like engineering. 

In this final phase of our study, we used patterns observed in a semester-long difficulty reflection study to generate a series of questions that we will use to explore the variation in how students enrolled in engineering courses and students enrolled in data science courses experience difficulty learning data science concepts. 

We will hold a focus group with approximately four to six students. The focus group for students enrolled in engineering will meet Wednesday, May 5th at 11:30.

Lunch will be provided from 12:15 - 12:45 pm. 

Participation in this focus group is completely voluntary and will have no impact, either positive or negative, on your performance or grades in any of your classes. Each session is expected to last approximately 45-60 minutes. Lunch will be provided for all on-campus meetings. If meetings must be held virtually to accommodate scheduling, participants will instead be given a $10 Amazon Gift card. 

We hope you will join us and share your experiences with us. If you wish to participate, please complete this form at your earliest convenience A member of our research team will contact you with additional information. 

If you have any questions regarding this study, please email with TRIPODS+X in the subject line. 



4/21/2022: MATLAB/Poker April 27, 8-9pm, Barus-Holley 160


4/21/2022: Brown Research Club April 25, 6-7pm, (online - register to be sent a link)


4/21/2022: SWE Trivia Night April 26, 6-8pm, Barus Holley 190



3/6/2022: RECRUITING ENGN30 MENOTRS Do you love creating, problem-solving, and helping others? If so, apply to be a BDW Mentor for the 2022-2023 school year! You do not need to be concentrating in engineering to be a mentor. Take a look at the attached flyer and fill out this form by March 19th to apply.



27/1/2022: An announcement on behalf of Brown Space Engineering:


27/1/2022: An announcement on behalf of a new student org SASE:

Hello everyone,

We (Amy, Jay, Michael, Haisong) are a group of senior engineers, and we wanted to introduce a new academic/professional development club we founded called the “Brown Chapter of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers” We hope to empower aspiring engineers of Asian heritage and help them reach their full potential through networking events, mentoring programs, career fairs, social bonding, and more. Having been approved by the Student Activities Office (SAO), we are excited to begin our first semester at Brown and share our resources with you! If you are interested, we welcome you to stay in touch with us through the various platforms listed on the right.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in our introductory meeting (of course, there will be free food) in Barus and Holley 158 next Thursday, 02/03


10/25/2021: Thank you for considering taking EN40 in Spring 2022- we hope we get a chance to work with you!