
Here are a set of procedures for submitting drafts so we don't waste precious time:


  1. Make a tar ball of the directory in which all the latex files (and figure files) reside. Exclude the .ps or .pdf forms of the whole document -- I'll compile on these my own machine. 
  2. Make SURE that the tar ball has everything that's needed. To do this, after you make the tar ball, make a subdirectory and copy the tarball into it. Untar the tar ball and then run the normal latex commands IN THAT DIRECTORY. If it doesn't compile for you, it won't compile for me!
  3. If it compiles for you, then look over the .ps file which is produced and make sure it's all readable and what you want to send.
  4. Compress the successful tar ball (gzip, compress, zip whatever you'd like, though I'd prefer gzip) and send it to me via email.


  1. If I send you back, for instance, paper3.tex, please send me back your revisions as the next increment, paper4.tex. Send only this tex file unless figures have changed
  2. If any figures have changed, send me the associated files along with the paperN.tex file. 
  3. Please again make sure that what you send me will compile. For instance, some of you use software which puts ctl-M's all over the place. It would be nice if you could keep this from happening. 


  1. Proofread your draft before you send it to me. If I get a draft which is not proofread for obvious syntax spelling and typographical errors, I'm gonna send it back unread. NEVER EVER  send me half-baked work.
  2. Your FIGURES should be properly labeled and captioned with legends where appropriate.  Don't make me guess what a figure means.
  3. Please look at the copies of papers on my web site. This is the standard I'll hold you to. Typeset the equations in the same basic way, and make sure your content flows correctly from abstract through conclusion. You may leave notes embedded in the text if you wish (clearly marked in boldface so I don't stumble over them when reading -- you should use the \note{} macro ( \newcommand{\note}[1]{{\large \bf #1}} ).
  4. NEVER send me drafts with single line paragraphs. They are HELL for me to edit. Same for displayed equations. Break things up logically. You can find a source tex file to use as a model  here. Notice the extensive use of macros (\newcommands{}) and how equations, figures and tables are referenced. 
  5. Anything you send me should have proper citations in place and a bibliography at the end. Use this  example . You should have an associated .bib file and use bibtex on your latex papers. This allows us to share the bibliographies easily. A (large) bibfile is available here.
  6. Place all figures in a SUBDIRECTORY called "figures".
  7. Use the \equat{} and \Equat{} macros for referencing equations.  Label equations as  label{eq:equationname} for refeence as \equat{equationname}. Here's a file with the most of the macros  I use.