The development of MAPS was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under contract no. DE-F502-96ER 45571. Gerbrand Ceder acknowledges support of Union Minière through a Faculty Development Chair. Axel van de Walle acknowledges support of the National Science Foundation under program DMR-0080766 and DMR-0076097 during his stay at Northwestern University.
The development of EMC2 was supported by the NSF under program DMR-0080766.
The development of the CSE is supported by the NSF under program DMR-0080766.
The development of the tensorial cluster expansion (GCE and gencs code) is supported by the Center for the Science and Engineering of Materials at Caltech, an NSF-funded MRSEC and by the NSF CMMT grant DMR-0907669.
The development of the wycked and getproto codes is supported by the NSF CAREER grant DMR-1154895.
The development of the mcsqs code is supported by ONR grants N00014-11-1-0886 and N00014-12-1-0557.
The development of the sqs2tdb, robustrelax_vasp, infdet and of the SQS database is supported by ONR grants N00014-14-1-0055 and N00014-17-1-2202.