
Syntax: pollmach [-f] [-e] [-m alternate_machine_configuration_file] [-s] [-w] command_to_run

This command periodically checks the load on various machines
(specified in the file ~/.machines.rc)
and looks for subdirectories containing a file called "wait".
If the load on a machine is sufficiently low, it executes command_to_run
on that machine, in the directory where the oldest wait file lies.
A default ~/.machines.rc file is created the first time the chl command
is run. The format of the file is explained in the comments therein.
If no ~/.machines.rc file exists, command_to_run is run sequentially on
the local computer in each directory containing a "wait" file.
This is the single-machine mode.

When using this command with maps, command_to_run will typically be runstruct_vasp

The -m option overrides the default ~/.machines.rc (it is optional).

The -e option specifies that the command should terminate when no more
"wait" files are to be found (only works in single-machine (sequential) mode,
when no ~/.machines.rc file is given).

The -f option forces the command to run even if of pollmach_is_running file exists.

The -s option cause pollmach to self-manage the load (it does not poll the nodes for their loads
but instead keeps track of where it sends a job and does not send any other job to that node until 
                     it is done.
The first column in the machine_configuration_file is ignored and can be omitted.

The -w option tells pollmach to wait until all sub processes have finished before quitting.

The -il interactive loop option (beta). Here pollmach waits for a file called 'busy' to be created,
        then runs command and then deletes 'busy'.
        This repeats itself until a stop or stoppoll file is created.

The -t "command" option first runs "command" and, only if its return code is 0, runs 

To cleanly stop this program, type
        touch stoppoll

avdw@alum.mit.edu Wed, Dec 6, 2023 12:55:16 PM