
Help for cv

Command-line options:

-g: Favor cluster choices where the ground state line is correct.
    (It is suggested to turn this feature on if you have trouble getting the
    right ground states).
-w: Weight structures by w/(struct_energy-gs_energy+w)
    (recommended value: start with 1. and decrease down to about 0.010 (eV)
    if you have trouble getting the correct ground states.
    Default: all structure have equal weight)
-p: Penality for structures that lie below the ground state line.
    (recommended value: start with 1. and increase up to about 20.
    if you have trouble getting the correct ground states.
    Default: 0)


table of correlations, one structure per line
(exactly the output of corrdump)

column of energy values, one per line, in the same order as in the file.
If energy is unknown, put 'x'.


This file can be omitted.
It gives a list of clusters than must be part of the cluster expansion.
(Each number in this file indicates a column in the file.)


This file can be omitted.
It indicates the weight that must be given to each structure.
Usually this file is copied from the weight_sug.out file obtained from a previous run.
Each weight in this file is multiplied by
(see above).

-> clusters.out

A list of the clusters (in the same format as generated by either maps
or corrdump)


-> fit.out

Contains the results of the fit, one structure per line and each line
has the following information:
  concentration energy fitted_energy weight index
'concentration' lies between 0 and 1.
'energy' is the true formation energy.
'fitted_energy' is the predicted formation energy.
'weight' is the weight of this structure in the fit.
'index' is the structure number (not counting structure of unknown energies)

-> predstr.out
Contains the predicted energy of all structures whose true energy is unknown.
Format: one structure per line, and each line has the following information:
  concentration predicted_energy -1 status
the '-1' is for compatibility with maps.
status is 'u' (for compatibility with maps) and a 'g' is appended to status if
 that structure is predicted to be a ground state.
 To list all predicted ground states, type
 grep 'g' predstr.out

-> gs.out

The ground states, as determined by energies given in
Each line is a concentration, energy pair.

-> gs_fitted.out

The ground states, as determined by energies predicted from
the cluster expansion. (Structures for which the true energy is
unknown are omitted.)
Each line is a concentration, energy pair.

-> weight_sug.out

If the ground states are incorrectly predicted by the cluster expansion,
this file contains suggested weight that should correct the problem.
just type
cp weight_sug.out
and rerun the program.

-> weight_used.out

Weights actually used to do the fit.

-> fit.gnu

A gnuplot script that display all the relevant information.
Just type:
gnuplot fit.gnu

-> eci.out

The values of the fitted eci, in the same order as in the file. Wed, Dec 6, 2023 12:55:16 PM