
INFlection DETection method 3.48, by Axel van de Walle
  -h            Display more help (Default: Off)
-egt=[real]     Epicycle Gradient Tolerance (Default: 0.04)
-ets=[real]     Epicycle Trial Step (Default: 0.1)
-ems=[real]     Epicycle Maximum Step multiplier (Default: 5)
-eml=[real]     Epicycle Multiplier in Line minimization (Default: 2)
-ebl=[int]      Epicycle maximum number of Bracketing steps in Line minimizations (Default: 5)
-eil=[int]      Epicycle maximum number of Iterations in Line minimizations (Default: 3)
-eic=[int]      Epicycle maximum number of Iterations in Conjugate gradient (Default: 20)
-ebf=[int]      Epicycle motion Bad step Forgiveness (Default: 2)
-eir=[int]      Epicycle iterations between conjugate gradient reset (Default: 5)
 -el=[real]     Epicycle Length (Default: 0.1)
-ism=[real]     Ion motion Steepest descent Multiplier (Default: 0.003)
-isi=[int]      Ion motion Steepest maximum number of Iterations (Default: 0)
-igt=[real]     Ion motion Gradient Tolerance (Default: 0.1)
-its=[real]     Ion motion Trial Step (Default: 0.005)
-ims=[real]     Ion motion Maximum Step multiplier (Default: 5)
-iml=[real]     Ion motion Multiplier in Line minimization (Default: 2)
-ibl=[int]      Ion motion maximum number of Bracketing steps in Line minimizations (Default: 5)
-iil=[int]      Ion motion maximum number of Iterations in Line minimizations (Default: 3)
-iic=[int]      Ion motion maximum number of Iterations in Conjugate gradient (Default: 40)
-ibf=[int]      Ion motion Bad step Forgiveness (Default: 2)
-iir=[int]      Ion motion iterations between conjugate gradient reset (Default: 5)
-ics=[real]     Ion motion Curvature constraint Stiffness (0=automatic) (Default: 30)
 -ff=[real]     Force scale Factor (Default: 3)
 -ds=[int]      Dimension of the strain relaxation allowed (0: none, 1: along x, 2: along y,z, 3: 
                     along x,y,z (default)) 
 -ns            Do Not Scale tolerance with number of atoms (Default: Off)
 -st=[int]      Sleep Time between read access (Default: 5)
  -d            Use all default values (Default: Off)
 -os            Output Structure defined by epipos.out into str.out (Default: Off)
  -r            Relax to minimum (Default: Off)
For debugging only:
 -db            debug (Default: Off)
-aex            Analytical Example (for debugging) (Default: Off)
 -t1=[real]     Temp param 1 (Default: 1.9)
 -t2=[real]     Temp param 2 (Default: -2) Wed, Dec 6, 2023 12:55:16 PM