
MaKe Axes 3.48, by Axel van de Walle
     -h            Display more help (Default: Off)
 -trans            Transform to coordinate system (Default: Off)
   -mat            Output transformation matrices (Default: Off)
   -tri            Gibbs triangle (Default: Off)
 -tetra            Gibbs tetrahedron (Default: Off)
 -hidim=[int]      Dimension (Default: 3)
   -col=[real]     Color (Default: 0)
   -rgb=[real],... RGB Color (Default: )
    -vl=[string]   Vertices labels (Default: )
  -zmax=[real]      (Default: 1000)
  -zmin=[real]      (Default: 0)
-zscale=[real]      (Default: 1000)
    -cs            Cross-Section (Default: Off)
    -cf=[string]   Cross section input File (Default:
  -font=[string]   font file (Default: )
    -ef=[string]   Export format (default: vtk)
   -sig=[int]      Number of significant digits printed (Default: 5)
     -d            Use all default values (Default: Off) Wed, Dec 6, 2023 12:55:16 PM