
14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering
(EDS Blois Workshop)

December 15-21, 2011
Quy Nhon, Vietnam



Session-I:  Diffraction and Elastic Scattering


A. Valkarova: ``Inclusive and Dijet Diffractive Production at HeraÓ

L. Favart: ``Exclusive Electroroduction of Vector MesonsÓ

C. Royon:  ``D0 Results on DiffractionÓ

K. Goulianos: ``CDF Results on Diffraction and Exclusive Production"

U. Maor: ``Is the Pomeron Necessary and if so Why is it so Complicated"

A. Bruni: ``Atlas Results on Diffraction"

A. Knutsson: ``CMS Results on Diffraction"

R.  Schicker:  ``Central Diffraction in ALICEÓ

A.  Szczurek:  ``Production of Di-gluon and Quarkantiquark Dijets in Central Exclusive Processes Ò

M. Poghosyan: ``Diffractive and Inelastic CrossSections in ProtonProton Collisions at à s = 0.9 TeV, 1.76 TeV and 7 TeV with ALICE at the LHCÓ

M. Deile: ``First Measurements of ProtonProton Elastic Scattering and Total CrossSection at the LHC by TOTEMÓ

L.  Jenkovszky: ``Lessons from the First Results on Elastic pp Scattering at the LHCÓ`

M. Islam: ``Proton Structure from High Energy ProtonProton and AntiprotonProton Elastic ScatteringÓ

J. Soffer:  ``Significant Issues Related to Elastic Scattering at Very High EnergiesÓ

H. Grebas:  ``Study of the Anomalous Coupling Between Photon and the W/Z Boson and the ATLAS Forward Physics (AFP) Project"

M. Luszcak: ``Diffractive production of c"

L. Jenkovszky: ``Exclusive Diffractive Production of Real Photons and Mesons at HERAÓ

A.  Godizov: ``Models of Elastic HighEnergy Scatterings to Falsify at the LHCÓ

I. Alekseev: for the EPECUR Collaboration ``High Precision Measurements of the Pion Proton Differential Cross SectionÓ

I. Dremin: ``Parton Content of Hadronic Interactions,Ó

I. Dremin: ÒThe Orear Regime in Elastic pp-Scattering at 7 TeVÓ




Session-II:  Soft QCD, Total X-Section, etc.


M. Bindi:  ``Inelastic Cross Section Measurements at LHC"

K. Igi:  ``Universal Rise of Total Hadronic Cross Sections and Predictions at LHCÓ Bias Distributions at LHCÓ

M. Heinrich: ``Underlying Event Results for LHCÓ

J. G. Milhano:  ``From Theory to Phenomenology in the CGCÓ

N. Brook:  ``Particle Production and Minimum Bias Distributions at LHCÓ

L. Harland-Lang:  ``Latest Results on Standard Candle Central Exclusive Production within the Durham Model"

A. Geiser:  ``DIS and Dipion Electroproduction at HERAÓ

T. Watari:  ``Studying Generalized Parton Distribution in Gravity Dual"

R. Snellings:  ``Angular Correlations of Hadrons Measured at the Large Hadron ColliderÓ

N. Bianchi: ``Hadron Multiplicities in DIS off Nucleons and Nuclei Measured at HERMESÓ



Session-III:  Heavy Ions, Saturation, etc.


J-P. Blaizot: ``Extreme States of Matter and UltraRelativistic Heavy Ion CollisionsÓ

S.  Chattopadhyay: ``Results from the ALICE Experiment on Heavyions and Low x QCD Physics"

M.  Nguyen: ``CMS Results on Heavy Ion and Lowx QCD PhysicsÓ

J.  Nystrand: ``Photonuclear Interactions in Heavyion Collisions at the LHCÓ

D. Tapia Takaki: ``Photo-Production of Vector Mesons in Ultra-Peripheral Pb+Pb Collisions at ALICE"

F. Arleo:  ``Heavy-Ion Collisions in the LHC EraÓ


Session-III:  Recent Theory Developments in QCD


D Son:  ``Anomalous Hydrodynamics and GravityÓ

A. Jevicki:  ``The AdS Avatars of Large N QCD DipolesÓ

S. Das:  ``Quantum Quench Across Holographic Phase TransitionsÓ

K. Hashimoto: ``Holographic NucleusÓ

C-I Tan:  ``Holographic Central Production of Higgs and the AdS Graviton/PomeronÓ


Session-IV:  Perturbative QCD, High Pt Jets, etc.


C. Mesropian:  ``Hard QCD Results with JetsÓ

Y. Kurihara:  ``QCD EventGenerator GR@PPA2.8 and its ApplicationsÓ

M. A. Voutilainen:  ``Hard QCD Results on Jets (Including Heavy Flavors) and Photons at CMS

T. Hreus:  ``MPI Results from the LHCÓ

J. Andersen:  ``Jets at LHCÓ

H-N Li:  ``QCD Resummation for Jet SubstructuresÓ


Session-V:  Spin Physics


J. Soffer:  ``Recent Positivity Constraints for Spin Observables and Parton DistributionsÓ

B. Surrow:  ``Recent results and future prospects of the polarized p+p program at RHICÓ

D. Svirida:  ``Transverse Spin Asymmetries at Small Momentum Transfere at STAR"

Y. Miyachi:  ``Spin Structure of the Nucleon Studied at HERMES"




Session-VI:  Cosmic Ray


H. Dembinski: ``Recent Measurements of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays and their Impact on Hadronic Interaction ModelingÓ

M. Shibata: ``Cosmicray Energy Spectrum Around the KneeÓ

H. Takami: ``Propagation of UltraHighEnergy Cosmic RaysÓ

G. Mitsuka: ``High Energy Hadronic Interactions and Cosmic Ray PhysicsÓ

K. Itakura: ``Forward Hadron Production at Collider Energies and its Possible Application to Cosmic Ray PhysicsÓ

V. Van Elewyck: ``Highenergy Neutrino Astronomy: Status and ProspectsÓ       

M. Honda: ``Study of the Interaction Model Using Atmospheric Muons for the Calculation of Atmospheric Neutrino FluxÓ


Session-VII:  Closing Talk


D.  DÕEnterria: ``Frontiers of QCD: From Puzzles to Discoveries. Experimental Summary and Perspectives"



December 18, Sunday


Visiting Qui Nhon Science Center


8:00                            Ground Breaking

8:30                            Touring Site


Common Opening for both conferences


11:00                          Joint Lecture-I

                                    D. Son:  `` Viscosity and Black HolesÓ

11:45                          Joint Lecture-II

                                    T. Pierog:  ``Comparison of Hadronic Interaction Models with LHC DataÓ

12:30                          Presentation and Exchange on Qui Nhon Center