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Volume 3, number 1, Summer 2005




Amândio Jorge Morais Barros
Oporto: The Building of a Maritime Space in the Early Modern Period. [PDF] [HTML]

Fernando Dores Costa
Interpreting the Portuguese War of Restoration (1641-1668) in a European Context. [PDF] [HTML]

Lúcia Maria Cardoso Rosas
The Restoration of Historic Buildings Between 1835 and 1929: The Portuguese Taste
. [PDF] [HTML]

Nicolau Andresen Leitão
The Reluctant European. A Survey of the Literature on Portugal and European Integration 1947-1974. [PDF] [HTML]

Surveys and Debates

Portuguese and Brazilian Studies in the United States

Brown University, Luiz F. Valente [PDF] [HTML]

Institutions and Research

Pedro Lains
The Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social: The First 25 Years (1980-2005). [PDF] [HTML]

Ph.D. Dissertations in Modern and Contemporary History [PDF] [HTML]

Book Reviews

Timothy Coates
Bernard Bailyn. Atlantic History: Concept and Contours. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005). [PDF] [HTML]

Paul Christopher Manuel
Review of Contemporary Portugal: Politics, Society and Culture (Boulder: Social Science Monographs, 2003). Edited by António Costa Pinto