Brown University Center for Computational Molecular Biology

CCMB Student Poster Session 2008-2009 Results


Elena Helman:  Identification and Analysis of Genome Rearrangement Breakpoints Using Paired-end DNA Sequence Data

Brian Chang: High Throughput Analysis of RNA Binding Proteins ASF/SF2 and PTB

Vinh Nguyen: A New Approach for Quantitative Phosphoproteomic Dissection of Signaling Pathways Applied to T Cell Receptor

Graham Poage: DNA Methylation Profiles are Associated with Specific Genome-wide Copy Number Alteration Profiles in Head and
Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Anna Ritz: Detection of Recurrent Rearrangements in Cancer Genomes from Array Copy Number Data

Istrail Lab: Beyond GWAS:  Robust Computational Analysis of the Multiple Sclerosis Genetic Consortium Data

Sam McNeal: RIP1 and Inflammation Mediated Liver Injury

Sara Hillenmeyer: Genome-wide Determination of Chromatin Accessibility Using ChIP-chip and FAIRE

Eric Lim: Fishing for Hairpins



1st PlaceSara Hillenmeyer ~ 200$ Apple Gift card
2nd Place: Vinh Nguyen ~ I-pod Touch
3rd Place: Brian Chang ~ Docking station


Many thanks to our vendors for their support:

Fisher Scientific


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