Laboratory Primate Newsletter

Judith E. Schrier, Editor

James S. Harper, Gordon J. Hankinson, and Larry Hulsebos, Associate Editors
Morris L. Povar and Jason Machan, Consulting Editors
Elva Mathiesen, Assistant Editor
Allan M. Schrier, Founding Editor, 1962-1987

Allan M. Schrier (1930-1987) earned the Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1956, under the guidance of Harry F. Harlow. He spent two years doing post-doctoral research with Roger Sperry at Cal Tech, then was hired by Brown University as an assistant professor of psychology. He immediately began to establish a primate behavior laboratory, but found that there was no central source of practical information about establishing and running a facility with caged nonhuman primates. He set about remedying the situation with the Laboratory Primate Newsletter, which was published quarterly since its inception in 1962.

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Photo of Allan and a young friend taken at the San Diego Zoo.

Another photo from that day.

Ari and Eli Schrier, grandchildren of The Editor and The Founding Editor

More pictures of Ari and Eli

Last Updated March 5, 2012
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