Students are exploring a new dig site on campus for the Archaeology of College Hill course. Photo by Nick Dentamaro.


Brown University Arts and Humanities writer, Jenna Pelletier, writes about the Joukowsky Institute's Archaeology of College Hill excavations at 58 College Street in her December 6, 2023 article, "Digging into Providence’s past, Brown’s in-demand Archeology of College Hill course opens new site." Pelletier provides background on the history of the Institute's College Hill excavations, which have now been underway for 18 years. This fall, a team of Brown University archaeologists began an excavating a green space next to Brown’s List Art Building, where a 19th-century home once stood at 58 College St. before it was demolished in the 1960s. Students began their work at the new site in September and have been chronicling their progress on Facebook and Instagram pages. They are digging in four 2-by-3-meter trenches, each of which is believed to contain archeological materials, such as the foundation remains of former buildings.