\documentclass{article} %% Resume template for Brown's joint %% CareerLAB and Science Center LaTeX/Resume workshop %% The template is based on the first %% example resume on the CareerLAB website, available here: %% http://brown.edu/campus-life/support/careerlab/sites/brown.edu.campus-life.support.careerlab/files/uploads/Resume%20Samples_0.pdf %% I commented this document liberally to help you understand %% what everything means and with the goal %% of empowering you to modify the template; %% feel free to remove the comments %% if you want a cleaner .tex file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Packages %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% For changing the margin size. %% \usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry} %% For colored text. %% % - See http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Colors#The_68_standard_colors_known_to_dvips % for a list of predefined colors. % I'll explain how to color text. \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} %% For providing a link to your email. %% \usepackage{hyperref} %% For making compact lists. % - use itemize* environment for compact itemized lists, etc. \usepackage{mdwlist} %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% New %% %% Commands %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% For making a new section in your resume. %% % - \noindent prevents LaTeX from indenting. % - \large makes the text slightly larger. % See http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Fonts#Sizing_text % for a list of other font-sizing commands. % - \vspace adds a little bit of vertical space. % - \hrule adds a horizontal line. \newcommand{\ressection}[1]{\noindent{\large\textbf{#1}} \vspace{2pt}\hrule\vspace{4pt}} %% For job titles and date names. %% % - \hfill fills up horizontal space until % the words to the left and the right are % as far apart as possible. \newcommand{\leftandright}[2]{\noindent\textbf{#1}\hfill \textbf{#2}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Miscellaneous %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pagestyle{empty} %% removes the page numbers. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The Resume! %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \sffamily %% makes the text sans-serif \begin{center} \textbf{\huge{Josiah Carberry}} 167 Angell Street, Providence RI 02912 \textbullet\, \href{mailto:josiah_carberry@brown.edu}{josiah\_carberry@brown.edu} \textbullet\, Twitter: @jcarberry \textbullet\, (401) 863-3326 \end{center} \vspace{-0.9em} \ressection{Education} \leftandright{Brown University, \textmd{B.A. Music, honors candidate, 3.95/4.0 GPA}}{Providence, RI \textbullet\, Class of 2013} \\ \ressection{Digital Media Experience} \leftandright{Brown CareerLAB}{Providence, RI \textbullet\, September 2011 -- present} \\ Provides career advice, workshops, planning, and coaching to Brown students. \\[0.1em] %% \\ takes an optional argument, the distance \textit{Social Media Manager} \vspace{-0.8em} \begin{itemize*} %% itemize* is from the mdwlist package \item Developed long-term social media strategy for Twitter and Facebook. \item Analyzed success of Twitter engagement through follower counts and link-tracking to inform strategic decisions. \item Evaluated and reframed career content for students on Twitter, increasing follower count by 4\% per month. \item Wrote and presented curriculum on using Twitter for job searches to students and professional career advisors. \end{itemize*} \ressection{Skill Sets} \noindent\textbf{Technical}: Proficient in Digital Media, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter), Sysomos, Google Apps, Quicken, ProTools, AudioVault, and Computer/Technical troubleshooting \\ \textbf{Non-Technical}: Trained vocalist, voiceover artist, speedy identification of most popular/alternative music \end{document}