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$1.1M of Sidney Frank Gift Will Fund ‘Recovery Semester’ Scholarships

With the endorsement of philanthropist Sidney E. Frank, Brown University will use $1.1 million of Frank’s $5-million hurricane relief gift to establish “recovery semester” scholarships next semester through the admission and financial aid offices at Dillard University and Xavier University of Louisiana, both in New Orleans, and Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss. The scholarships will help students resume or continue their studies and will help provide the schools with sufficient numbers of students to begin the return to normal operations. Read more.

Contact info:

For Dillard:
Ms. Linda Nash
Division of Enrollment and Admissions

For Xavier:
Mr. Winston Brown
Dean of Admissions
For Tougaloo:
Ms. Junoesque Jacobs
Director of Admissions

Libraries and Hurricane Katrina

The Brown University Library has joined the American Library Association (ALA) in Hurricane Relief efforts. ALA, the major library organization in the US, is accepting monetary donations for a relief fund, tracking damage reports of libraries in the region, providing assistance with library disaster recovery, and linking to corporate support, grants, and employment opportunities for displaced library staff.

Over 400 libraries, including Brown, have joined an "Adopt-a-Gulf Coast-Library" program. The American Library Association recently announced that it will hold its 2006 Annual Conference in New Orleans in June as originally planned and to "lead the reconstruction by example". The ALA notes that because many area libraries require repair and reconstruction, it is not collecting books to assist in restocking libraries in the region, but indicates that such efforts may come at a later date. The Brown University Library is committed to assisting the Will W. Alexander Library at Dillard University.

Overview of Brown’s Hurricane Response to Date

Though statistics alone can not tell the full story of Brown’s response to the disaster— that is a human story that will unfold all over the campus, and down on the Gulf Coast, as the year goes on—we can provide a brief current overview (PDF format).

Colleges Helping Colleges

President Ruth Simmons

"OUR DISTRESS in witnessing the epic destruction and loss of life that Hurricane Katrina inflicted on the most vulnerable citizens of the Gulf region is compounded by the evidence that we are still far from overcoming the social and economic disparities that many Americans hoped we were closer to eliminating.

As the relentless images so vividly demonstrated, our nation's problems of social, racial, and economic inequality and instability are persistent and real, but they need not lead to despair. Education offers a remedy, and therefore we must make it a priority to rebuild not only homes and businesses, but also institutions of higher education in Louisiana and Mississippi that were damaged by the hurricane."

Read the op-ed by Brown University President Ruth Simmons and Princeton University President Shirley Tilghman from the Boston Globe.

Brown and Princeton partner with Dillard University

Brown and Princeton universities are partnering with Dillard University to restore its operations after the New Orleans institution was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Flooding after the storm left Dillard’s campus under as much as eight feet of water.

Relief for Tougaloo College

The University is also planning a program of relief for Tougaloo College with which the University has a longstanding relationship. The Tougaloo-Brown Advisory Council is working with Beverly Hogan, President of Tougaloo, to develop a plan to raise funds to support hurricane victims at the Jackson, Mississippi, campus. To donate, visit Tougaloo's Web site and click on the word Giving in the upper right. They also are asking people to give to their Tougaloo Student Aid Fund, as mentioned in this letter.

Sidney Frank gives $5 million

A $5-million gift from Sidney Frank, given in support of Brown University's efforts to provide relief to victims of the disaster, will be used to support the University's efforts to aid students and faculty affected by the hurricane.

Help for staff and families dealing with Katrina and other difficult problems

Life Watch Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides you with confidential counseling & referral services for you & members of your household. EAP helps employees & their household deal with life altering events that may result in problems that are difficult to handle without professional assistance. If you are experiencing concerns regarding the after effects of Katrina, please contact a counselor at EAP, HR, or the University's Chaplain's Office. Please visit

President Simmons' statement on hurricane Katrina

In response to the tragic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Brown University President Ruth J. Simmons issued a statement on September 2 that outlines the University's plans for responding to the needs of students who attend colleges and universities in New Orleans and other affected areas in the Gulf region.