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In the News
June 16, 2006

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Associated Press June 15, 2006
Sunscreens faulted on cancer protection
Most people don’t apply enough sunscreen to defend the skin from cancer-causing UVA rays, dermatology Professor Martin Weinstock, chairman of the American Cancer Society's skin cancer advisory group, notes. This wire service article was distributed to member media and appeared in more than 150 publications and Web sites throughout the world.

Boston Globe June 16, 2006
Portuguese maintain tradition of festivals
Onesimo Almeida, professor of Portuguese studies, discusses the important role played by Azorean festivals that celebrate the Holy Ghost. Earlier this week, members of the St. John Holy Ghost Association in Fall River were preparing for a weekend festival when candles burning in the association’s hall started a fire that killed four people and injured at least fifteen people.

Business Week June 16, 2006
Meet the Met, a school success story
While pursuing her doctorate in neuroscience, Leigh Needleman, who graduated from Brown this past May, took on a student from The Met School, an alternative high school in Providence, as a research assistant. She is interviewed, and her mentorship is noted, in this feature about the student and The Met.

Wall Street Journal June 15, 2006
Poverty: The new search for solutions
History Professor James T. Patterson is among the experts interviewed for this article exploring nearly a century of U.S. antipoverty efforts.

Wall Street Journal June 10, 2006
Education: Internships for sale
In the competitive world of summer internships for high school students, a new route to plum spots is emerging: buying them at auctions, often at elite private school. James Miller, dean of undergraduate admission, notes that when such internships show up on college admission applications forms, "Our assumption is that an internship normally is the result of some sort of initiative that the student has taken on his or her own behalf.”

Brown University Press Release June 13, 2006
Community Involvement Program joins Brown's Annenberg Institute
The Community Involvement Program will be incorporated into the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University, enhancing the Institute’s efforts to strengthen the success and vitality of urban schools. The grass-roots school reform program was formerly housed at the Steinhardt School of Education at New York University.