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In the News
June 8, 2006

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Providence Journal June 8, 2006
Science as a sport
Brown RoboCup Club, a four-person team coached by Chad Jenkins, assistant professor of computer science, competes in robot soccer. Jenkins and the students are featured in this article that describes the challenges they face in creating robots - in this case machines that resemble small dogs - that take in sensory information, make decisions and tell their motors what to do. “The goal is to have robots that help you in your daily life," Jenkins said. The team recently completed its inaugural year with a national competition last month.

Lifespan Press Release June 6, 2006
Negative body image related to depression, anxiety and suicidality
Adolescents with negative body image concerns are more likely to be depressed, anxious, and suicidal than those without intense dissatisfaction over their appearance, even when compared to adolescents with other psychiatric illnesses. The study, to be published in the June 2006 issue of Child Psychiatry and Human Development, was conducted by Jennifer Dyl, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry/human behavior, and Jennifer Kittler, clinical assistant of psychiatry.