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In the News
July 5, 2006

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Providence Business News July 1, 2006
Brown, Oak Ridge set up new research affiliation
Brown University has signed a three-year collaboration agreement with Oak Ridge National Laboratory to advance research and teaching, with an emphasis in materials science.

Boca Raton News July 3, 2006
Size, it turns out, does indeed matter in business
Researchers at Brown University have created a theoretical model that explains the rise of common good cooperation in a world that nonetheless rewards individual self-centering.

Providence Journal July 5, 2006
Liquor license denied for Thayer Street eatery
The Board of Licenses has denied a liquor license to the owner of a restaurant opening on Thayer Street. Brown University was among those opposing the license.

Providence Journal July 4, 2006
What made America's founders men of character, and characters
Edward Achorn, the Providence Journal’s deputy editorial pages editor, reviews History Professor Gordon Wood’s latest book, “Revolutionary Characters: What Made the Founders Different.” Wood “has an uncanny ability to fend off academic fads and place us in the 18th Century world of the Founders,” Achorn writes, “giving us a richer understanding of these men, and the real-world decisions they confronted, rather than simply holding up a mirror to ourselves and our self-congratulatory politics.”

Providence Journal June 29, 2006
Animals of all kinds have something to say
Ruth Colwill, an associate professor of psychology who teaches a class on animal cognition and emotion and leads a laboratory course in animal behavior at Roger Williams Park Zoo, notes that people who say they can read animals’ thoughts practice "a very clever blend of fact and fiction."

Campus Technology June 1, 2006
Taming the digital beast
University library science and IT personnel are helping colleges and universities with common digital repository initiatives that promote sharing of archived digital stores of knowledge. Most university digital repositories stick with sharing public domain and/or non-copyrighted information. Brown’s repository makes available its resources on public policy.