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National Public Radio "All Things Considered" August 26, 2006
Providence clinic helps parents cope with colic
Barry Lester, professor of psychiatry and human behavior, discusses colic and the work of the colic clinic at the Brown University Center for the Study of Children at Risk, affiliated with Women and Infants Hospital.

New York Times August 26, 2006
Expert supports search methods for 9/11 remains at bank building
In a report prepared at the request of relatives of several 9/11 victims, anthropology Professor Richard Gould, who leads a forensic archaeology firm that assists in disaster recovery, writes that the search for human remains at the former Deutsche Bank building is being conducted as thoroughly as possible. Gould’s report, submitted to the city’s chief medical examiner, offers the first independent eyewitness account of the search. A similar article was published Aug. 24 by the Associated Press.

Globe and Mail (Toronto) August 26, 2006
A year later, 'New Orleans is rotting away'
Sociology Professor John Logan, who conducted the first in-depth demographic analysis of Hurricane Katrina’s effect on New Orleans, says that “other than to neighborhoods that were pretty much spared by the flooding,” few of the city’s residents have returned. “The longer people have to wait to make decisions [about returning], the more likely it is that they'll choose a more clear course of investing elsewhere.”

Frankfurter Rundschau August 25, 2006
Wiederaufbau in Wildwest-Mainer
Planning documents to rebuild New Orleans leave much to be desired, sociology Professor John Logan says in this article about efforts to rebuild the city. (Frankfurter Rundschau is a German-language newspaper in Frankfurt.)

MSNBC "Hardball with Chris Matthews" August 18, 2006
'Hardball with Chris Matthews'
Political Science Professor Darrell West discusses the tight GOP primary race between incumbent R.I. Sen. Lincoln Chafee and challenger Stephen Laffey.

Washington Post August 26, 2006
In R.I., a feisty conservative challenges Sen. Chafee
Political Science Professor Darrell West offers remarks about Stephen Laffey, who is challenging R.I. Sen. Lincoln Chafee in the Sept. 12 primary.

New York Post August 27, 2006
Class selection at Ivy halls
An article about Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden’s new book, “The Price of Admission,” cites several instances of how children of well-to-do parents were admitted to Ivy League schools, including Brown University.

Brown University Press Release August 28, 2006
Death of a parasite: stripped, surrounded, consumed
A research team led by George Yap, assistant professor of medical science, has shown that a parasite can be eliminated through autophagy, a recycling process that normally occurs inside cells.