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October 11, 2006
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Providence Journal October 7, 2006
Research center brings scientists, technology together
The Sidney E. Frank Hall for Life Sciences, the largest construction in Brown University's history, was dedicated on October 6, 2006. The $95 million and 169,000 square feet research center has increased laboratory space, advanced technologies and – perhaps most important – puts scientists from different disciplines under one roof. The dedication was also covered by the Associated Press and local television stations.
See news release:

London Times Higher Education Supplement October 13, 2006
President Simmons profiled in the London Times
President Simmons discusses Brown’s Slavery and Justice Commission, the University’s efforts to help in the wake of Katrina, and the future of higher education with The London Times Higher Education Supplement. THES is essential reading for academics and researchers in tertiary, higher and post- graduate education. It reports on and debates the latest developments in the international academic community. The article is available on request from Media Relations.
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ABC News October 11, 2006
Maintaining Weight Loss: Keeping an Eye on the Pounds
People who lose weight can't just sit back and bask in the glory. They need to check their weight on a daily basis to keep off the pounds, a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows. The research was led by Rena R. Wing, professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Medical School. Video of the segment can be seen here:
See news release:

Science October 13, 2006
Trying to Lasso Climate Uncertainty
Brian O’Neill, Assistant Professor (Research) in the Global Environment Program at the Watson Institute for International Studies, is profiled by Science about his work on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

New York Times October 12, 2006
Bodies in motion, clean and sober
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Richard A. Brown contributes to this article about the benefit of incorporating fitness regimens into drug and alcohol treatment.
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Inside Higher Ed October 6, 2006
Raising the ethics bar at Brown
If a research study uses humans as subjects, federal law requires that project must be approved by an institutional review board to ensure that ethics guidelines are followed and that the privacy of the participants is respected. Brown previously allowed undergraduates to conduct such research as the primary investigator. In July, Brown changed the policy. This article explores the reasons behind the change, and practices at other institutions of higher education.

Times Higher Education Supplement (London) October 5, 2006
The 2006 World University Rankings
The Times Higher Education Supplement publishes its annual rankings of the world’s top 200 universities. Brown University was ranked 54th. Last year, it ranked 71st. Accompanying the table is an article headlined “Global vision ensures healthy competition.”
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Today’s News (CHE Online) October 11, 2006
Stanford Announces $4.3-B Campaign, the Largest in Higher Education
Stanford University kicked off the public phase of a $4.3-billion fund-raising campaign on Tuesday, the largest such drive in higher education. Stanford’s campaign is seeking to raise $300-million more than the $4-billion effort announced by Columbia University just 12 days ago.
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Providence Journal October 11, 2006
Rhode Island offers science grants
Governor Carcieri's Science and Technology Advisory Council (STAC) has created a statewide program to distribute $1.35 million in financing to researchers, the latest step in a drive to improve the state's science and technology sector. STAC is co-chaired by Brown University Vice President for Research and engineering professor Clyde Briant.
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Chicago Sun Times (AP) October 8, 2006
Guys have body issues too
Researchers, including Brown University’s Deborah Schooler, insist that men's attitudes - forged by billboards, magazine covers and clothing ads of “buff” and attractive men - demand just as much attention as the eating disorders or other damaging fallout that affect women and young girls.,CST-NWS-bods08.article

Boston Globe October 8, 2006
Op-ed: a U.S. ‘invasion’ of Korea
As an anxious world focuses on North Korea and its nuclear threats, the realignment of US military bases in South Korea is raising local anxiety. In an opinion piece published in the Boston Globe, Watson Institute Professor Catherine Lutz describes Koreans’ fears that the US military bases in their country will be used to strike at will anywhere in Asia and China. Lutz calls on the US government to halt its escalating militarization of Korea, Guam, and the Asia-Pacific Region.

Los Angeles Times October 6, 2006
History-makers speak in these pages
"I wanted all aspects of oratory. Not only presidents and politicians but labor leaders, writers. I wanted the books to be historically broad-ranging," says Ted Widmer, director of the John Carter Brown Library, in this review of his new book. “American Speeches,” published by the Library of America, collects 128 significant speeches from 80 historical figures stretching from the Revolutionary War to the Clinton administration.,0,4479618.story?coll=la-headlines-politics

Reuters October 11, 2006
Daily weighing key to keeping lost pounds off
Losing excess weight is often easier than keeping it off. A new study by Brown’s Rena R. Wing shows that stepping on a scale every day, and adjusting eating and exercise habits accordingly, can go a long way in helping dieters maintain a weight loss. Wing is professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Medical School and directs the Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center at The Miriam Hospital.

See news release:

CBS News October 12, 2006
Study: ‘Self-regulation’ keeps weight off
The Early Show medical correspondent Dr. Emily Senay reports on new research by Brown University’s Rena R. Wing, who found the best way to keep the pounds off involves what the researchers dub “self-regulation,” and daily vigilance. Video of the story can also be viewed from The Early Show's home page:
See news release:

Providence Journal October 13, 2006
A Democratic star shines in R.I.
Don’t find refuge in cynicism Ð get out there and “redesign the Democratic space,” U.S. Sen. Barack Obama told an overflow crowd at Brown University last night, where he delivered the Gov. Frank Licht Lecture. Obama, the junior U.S. senator from Illinois and the only black senator in Congress, gave his speech at Brown after stumping on behalf of Democratic Senate candidate Sheldon Whitehouse.
See news release:

Brown Daily Herald October 13, 2006
Facilities Management agrees to five-year contract
The University reached a five-year agreement with Facilities Management employees, represented by the United Service and Allied Workers of Rhode Island. The Service Employees International Union Local 615, which represents Brown’s Dining Services workers, agreed to extend their current contract until next Wednesday, while a new agreement is negotiated.
