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October 20, 2006
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New York Times   October 19, 2006
Pam Belluck reports on the findings of the Committee on Slavery and Justice.

Boston Globe (AP)   October 19, 2006
The Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice at Brown University – formed three years ago to look into its "grievous crimes" of the past – issued a report Wednesday recommending the creation of a memorial and an academic center focused on research on slavery and justice.

Bloomberg News   October 18, 206
Brown University acknowledged today its co-founders were linked to the slave trade, and said it would establish memorials, forums and a research center to educate its students and the public about the practice.

Inside Higher Ed   October 19, 2006
A Brown University report released Wednesday on the institution’s ties to the slave trade stops short of recommending an apology, and eschews the subject of personal monetary reparations. It focuses instead on memorials and social justice efforts meant to acknowledge and make amends for the past Ñ and, perhaps more importantly, offer a paradigm for other universities with spotty paths seeking to move forward.

Providence Journal   October 19, 2006
More than three years after Brown University President Ruth J. Simmons, herself a descendant of slaves, established a committee to examine and expose the university’s historic ties to slavery, the university released its 106-page report without fanfare.

New York Sun   October 19, 2006
Proceeds from the slave trade were used to found Brown University and slaves helped build the campus, according to a report released yesterday. The 106-page report, which documents the university's ties to the New England slave trade and makes recommendations on how to right historical wrongs, was produced by Brown's Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice.

NPR (WBUR)   October 18, 2006
WBUR's Nancy Cook reports on the Slavery and Justice report. Audio may be heard from this link.

Boston Globe (AP)   October 19, 2006
New Jersey lawmakers are considering a ban on metal bats from the state's youth sports. The article cites a Brown University study that found aluminum baseball bats hit balls faster than wooden bats.

Chicago Tribune   October 19, 2006
Despite the growing outcry among doctors and organized medical groups about everything from what they are paid to hassles with insurance companies, young people are flocking to medical schools in record numbers. Brown Medical School is listed as one of several schools experiencing “large increases” in first year enrollment.,0,6222204.story?coll=chi-bus

Chronicle of Higher Education   October 19, 2006
Brown University issued an exhaustive documentation on Wednesday of its founders' role in the slave trade, and recommended setting up a memorial on its campus in Providence, R.I., and establishing a center for the continuing study of slavery and justice.

Providence Journal   October 19, 2006
This month, four CVS Highlander middle school students partnered with a couple of Brown University graduate students to launch a voter registration drive to encourage their parents to vote in next month’s election. And it worked.

Fox News   October 18, 2006
Wendy Schiller Featured on The O’Reilly Factor
Professor Political Science Wendy Schiller was featured in Bill O’Reilly’s “Impact” segment, focusing on the increasing disrespect towards American leadership.

NPR   October 17, 2006
Professor of Economics Glenn Loury participates in a roundtable discussion about President Bush signing the Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Act and some GOP leaders rethinking strategies in Iraq.

Business Wire   October 14, 2006
Brown University Investigator in Neuroscience Leigh R. Hochberg presented preliminary findings from BrainGate Neural Interface System’s latest trial. A participant - who is unable to move or speak due to advanced ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease) - was able to use his own thoughts and the BrainGate System to control a computer cursor.

Technology Review   October 18, 2006
Paralyzed patients dream of the day when they can once again move their limbs. That dream is making its way to becoming a reality, thanks to a neural implant created by John Donoghue and colleagues at Brown University and Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems. Donoghue and Leigh Hochberg discuss their latest breakthroughs with MIT’s Technology Review.

Diverse Issues in Higher Education   October 20, 2006
A Brown University committee investigating the institution’s ties with slavery has recommended the school atone for its past by creating a slave trade memorial, establishing an academic center focused on slavery and justice and, above all, acknowledging the truth about its past.

MSNBC   October 19, 2006
MSNBC host Tucker Carlson discusses the Slavery and Justice report with Jim Campbell.

Providence Journal   October 20, 2006
Several prominent players in Rhode Island’s black community offer their thoughts on the 106-page report released on Tuesday by the Brown Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice.
