Rencontres du Viet Nam

14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering
(EDS Blois Workshop)

Frontiers of QCD:  From Puzzles to Discoveries

December 15-21, 2011
Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Organizers:  Tran Thanh Van and Chung-I Tan


Conference Schedule
Abstract Submission
(Room and Board)

Conference Facilities
Social Events
Maps of Viet Nam
Conference Photos
Financial Support
Flight Information
Post Conference Tour
List of Participants

Scientific Program Coordinator:
Ms. Mary Ann Rotondo
Deartment of Physics
Brown University
Box 1843
Providence, Rhode Island 02912  USA

Conference Coordinator:
Mrs. Hady Schenten
Rencontres du Vietnam, BP33
104, avenue du General Leclerc
F-91192 Gif Sur Yvette Cedex
Phone: (33) 1 69 28 51 35
Fax:  (33) 1 69 28 86 59



The series of international workshops on elastic and diffractive scattering was founded in 1985 in the picturesque old French town of Blois, famous for its XIV - XVIIth century château, inside of which the first meeting took place. Since then, meetings have been organised every two years in different places of the world: New York (1987), Evanston (1989), Isola d'Elba (1991), Providence (1993), Blois (1995), Seoul (1997), Protvino (1999), Prague (2001), Helsinki (2003), Blois (2005), Hamburg (2007) and CERN (2009). The 2011 workshop, Frontiers of QCD: From Puzzles to Discoveries, will meet at Qui Nhon, Vietnam, and will continue to focus on the most recent experimental and theoretical results in particle physics with an emphasis on quantum chromodynamics (QCD).  This Workshop will also be a part of Rencontres du Viet Nam.

International Advisory Committee:

Michael Albrow (Fermilab)
Jochen Bartels (Hamburg Univ)
Hesheng Chen (Beijing Inst. High Energy Phys)
S. P. Chia (Malysia Univ)
Ming-chung Chu (Chinese Univ of Hong Kong)
Mario Deile (CERN)
Karsten Eggert (CERN)
Konstantin Goulianos (Rockefeller Univ)
Keiji Igi (Wako RIKEN & Tokyo Univ)
Yoshitaka Itow (Nagoya)
Hannes Jung (DESY)
Jihn E Kim ( Seoul National Univ)
S. C. Lee (Taiwan Institute of Physics)
Ling-Fong Li (NCTS, Taiwan)
Bruce H. J McKellar (The Univ of Melbourne)
Nguyen van Hieu (Hanoi Inst. Phys.)
Basarab Nicolescu (Paris U, VI-VII)
Kok Khoo Phua (Nanyang Tehnological Univ)
Enrico Predazzi (INFN, Turin)
Durga Prsad Roy (Tata Inst.)
Katsuo Tokushuku (KEK)
Tai Tsun Wu (Harvard Univ)
C. N. Yang (SUNY/CUHK)

Scientific Program Committee:              

Francois Arleo  (Annecy LAPTH)
Sumit Das (U Kentucky)
David d'Enterria  (CERN)
Albert de Roeck  CERN)
C. Mario Deile  (CERN)
Vittorio Del Duca  (Frascati)
Kazunori Itakura (KEK)
Boaz Klima  (Fermilab)
Eugene M. Levin (Tel Aviv)
Cyrille Marquet (CERN)
Alan D. Martin (Durham)
Christina Mesropian  (Rockefeller U)
Meenakshi Narain  (Brown U)
Alessandro Papa  (Calabria U/INFN Cosenza)
Tanguy Pierog  (Karlsruhe Inst. Technol.)
Alexei Prokudin  (Turin U/INFN Turin)
Christophe Royon  (DAPNIA, Saclay)
Takashi Sako  (Nagoya U)
Rainer Schicker  (Heidelberg U)
Bernd Surrow  (MIT)
Marek Tasevsky  (Prague Inst. Phys.)            
Chung-I Tan  (Brown, Co-Chair)
Tran Thanh Van (Paris, Co-Chair)