Rencontres du  Viet Nam

14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering
(EDS Blois Workshop)

Frontiers of QCD:  From Puzzles to Discoveries

December 15-21, 2011
Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Conference Schedule
Abstract Submission
(Room and Board)

Conference Facilities
Social Events
Maps of Viet Nam
Conference Photos
Financial Support
Flight Information
Post Conference Tour

Scientific Program Coordinator:
Ms. Mary Ann Rotondo
Deartment of Physics
Brown University
Box 1843
Providence, Rhode Island 02912  USA

Conference Coordinator:
Mrs. Hady Schenten
Rencontres du Vietnam, BP33
104, avenue du General Leclerc
F-91192 Gif Sur Yvette Cedex
Phone: (33) 1 69 28 51 35
Fax:  (33) 1 69 28 86 59

  Clink here for Conference Program
Conference Schedule:

Registration will start on Thursday, December 15th in the afternoon.  The opening session is scheduled to take place on Friday, December 16th at 8:30 and the conference will end on Tuesday, December 20th at 16:00.

Session hours are 8:30 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00

All sessions of the conference will be held at the four star Hotel Seagull Qui Nhon.

Schedule attached (we will attach the schedule)

Those wishing to present a talk can contact one of the convenors listed below.  Please copy your e-meil communcation to the lead convenor for the session involved and also to Mary Ann Rotondo


Frontiers of QCD: from Puzzles to Discoveries

•    Diffraction and Elastic Scattering: [Convenors: Christina Mesropian*, Cyrille Marquet, Alessandro Papa, Christophe Royon, Rainer Schicker, Marek Tasevsky]
Elastic and diffractive scattering, Single- and Double-Diffraction, Central exclusive production, Diffractive Higgs production, Exclusive diffractive production in DIS, etc.

•    Soft QCD, Total Cross-Section, Particle Production: [Convenors: Mario Deile*, Albert de Roeck, Eugene M. Levin, Alan Martin]
Total cross sections, Minimum-bias, Rapidity and multiplicity, Inclusive distribution, High multiplicity events, DIS, Diffraction in DIS, Small-x physics, etc.

•    Heavy Ions, Saturation: [Convenors: Francois Arleo*, David d’Enterria]
Soft and hard probes of Quark, Parton saturation and evolution at small-x, Heavy-ions and AdS/CFT, etc.

•    Cosmic Rays: [Convenors: Tanguy Pierog*, Takashi Sako]
Cosmic rays below and above the ankle, Cross section from air showers,  Dedicated accelerator experiments, Hadronic models, Propagation, etc.

•    Perturbative QCD, high pT jets: [Convenors: Meenakshi Narain*, Kazunori Itakura, Boaz Klima]
Hard diffraction, Jets,  heavy flavors, determination of alpha_s, structure functions and pdfs, multiparton interactions (MPI),
multi jet production

•    Spin Physics: [Convenors: Bernd Surrow*, Alexei Prokudin]
New results in spin physics, spin and polarization, longitudinal and transverse spin structure, GPDs and spin sum rule, prospects in spin physics

•    Recent Theoretical Development in QCD: [Convenors: Chung-I Tan*, Sumit Das, Vitorio Del Duca]
Progress in perturbative and non-perturbative QCD, Amplitude calculations in YM theories, AdS/CFT for YM and QCD, etc.