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Funding Opportunity for Rhode Island Researchers in Energy Storage Materials/Systems

Request for White Papers

Brown University’s School of Engineering is hosting Department of Energy’s EPSCoR Implementation Program on Energy Storage Materials, with primary focus on Li-ion battery materials. One of the missions of the EPSCoR Implementation program is to promote battery materials research in Rhode Island by supporting innovative research ideas and initiatives among the State’s educational/research institutions. Through this document, the DOE EPSCoR Implementation program at Brown University is soliciting one page white papers for potential funding on battery materials research, briefly describing your proposed idea.

Topics of interest include cathodes, anodes, electrolytes, separators, battery assembly, safety, fabrication and innovative applications. Although the current focus within the Implementation Program is on Li-ion batteries, other interesting battery chemistries with potential future applications will also be considered. Ideas on all aspects of battery systems, spanning electrochemistry, chemistry, mechanics, physics, materials science, system design, engineering and novel applications are invited. Proposed work can be theoretical, computational, experimental, materials development & synthesis, diagnostics, characterization, new technology development, etc.

Investigators with no prior research track record in the area of energy storage materials can apply (provided they have the necessary technical expertise).

 The white papers will be reviewed by a panel of experts and a subset of them will be invited to submit a more detailed proposal. We expect to fund 2-4 proposals, provided they meet the merit review criteria. The award duration is one year; with a budget of up to $25,000 (indirect costs will not be allowed). Successful research effort during the first year can lead to an extension of the grant and additional funding in the subsequent year(s). The EPSCoR Implementation Program reserves the right to change both the funding amounts and the number of funded projects for this solicitation depending on the availability of funds and the quality of the proposals received. Also, note that any purchase of equipment costing more than $5,000 should be discussed in the white paper. While an investigator can submit more than one white paper, we ask that these ideas be distinct. Ideas that are synergistic should be combined into one whitepaper.

Criteria for selection of white papers are listed below. White papers are due before 5pm (EST) on Friday, April 06, 2012. Proposer(s) of selected white papers will be invited for full proposals subsequently.

Details on white paper submission and selection:
One-page research white paper format: The white paper shall consist of the following sections.

1. Title of proposal, PI(s) name(s), institution(s)/city, email address of the main contact.
2. The proposed idea (1 paragraph)
3. Approach (1 to 2 paragraphs)
4. Expected outcome of the research (1 paragraph)
5. Personnel and facilities (1 paragraph)
6. Cost estimate (a couple of sentences will suffice)

All white papers must be accompanied by the proposers’ curriculum vitae.

All white papers have a page limit of one page, single-spaced, size 11 Times New Roman font. Margins must be at least 0.75 inch on all sides. No cover page or attachments should be included.

Criteria for selection of white papers:

1. Applicability
• How applicable is the proposed idea to the EPSCoR Implementation program?

2. Capability
• Do the investigators have sufficient expertize and facilities to perform the work?

3. Technical Merit and Feasibility
• Is the investigator’s proposed approach based on sound science?
• Will the proposed approach be successful in achieving the stated goals?

Please submit your whitepaper and CV(s) [as pdf files only. Non-pdf files will not be opened because of computer security issues] by email to:

For further information regarding Rhode Island’s DOE EPSCoR Implementation program and the white paper, send an email to