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In the News
June 2, 2006

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Scripps-Howard News Service May 31, 2006
Tropical Arctic? Scientists say it was hot 55 million years ago
Findings published in the journal Nature show that the North Pole went through an extreme hot spell over the last 50 million years, and began forming glaciers about 14 million years earlier than had been thought. Steve Clemens, an associate professor of geological sciences (research) who co-wrote one of the papers, notes that “the evidence underscores the importance of greenhouse gases in driving climate change.” This article was distributed to member media and appeared in newspapers and web sites around the world.

Canal 22 (Channel 22) Mexico June 1, 2006
President Ruth Simmons interview
An interview of President Ruth Simmons, conducted by Sylvia Fuentes, was expected to air June 1 on Canal 22 (Channel 22), the public broadcast station supported by Mexico’s National Council for the Arts and Culture.

Chronicle of Higher Education June 2, 2006
The volatile relationship between Iran and the U.S.
In this Q&A, William O. Beeman, professor of anthropology, discusses the themes of his new book, Great Satan vs. the Mad Mullahs: How the United States and Iran Demonize Each Other.

Reuters June 1, 2006
Japanese asteroid team reports on ball of rubble
A team of scientists has determined the mineral makeup and surface characteristics of asteroid Itokawa and published their findings in Science. Takahiro Hiroi, a senior researcher/analyst in the Department of Geological Sciences and the operations manager of Brown’s NASA-funded Reflectance Experiment Laboratory, helped determine that the mineral composition of the surface of Itokawa was similar to that of a common class of stony meteorites relatively low in metallic iron. This link helped the team place a probable source of origin for Itokawa. This wire service article was distributed to member media and appeared in newspapers and on web sites around the world.

Back Stage June 1, 2006
R.I. consortium prepares for a life in theatre
This feature reports on the success of the Brown-Trinity Consortium. Back Stage is a theater industry publication. June 2, 2006
Asteroid mineral composition revealed
A team of scientists has determined the mineral makeup and surface characteristics of asteroid Itokawa and published their findings in Science. Takahiro Hiroi, a senior researcher/analyst in the Department of Geological Sciences and the operations manager of Brown’s NASA-funded Reflectance Experiment Laboratory, helped determine that the mineral composition of the surface of Itokawa was similar to that of a common class of stony meteorites relatively low in metallic iron. This link helped the team place a probable source of origin for Itokawa. is a British Web site covering science, engineering, and technology news.