
Gonzalez Van Cleve on Trending Globally Podcast; Police Convictions

On the Trending Globally Podcast, Sarah Baldwin talks with Professor Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve about why convicting police officers of crimes in the U.S. is so incredibly rare.

Karolina Dos Santos Recieves ASA Dissertation Grant

Karolina Dos Santos has received a 2020 ASA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant for her project, “Wards of Action: Internal and International Migration to Newark, NJ”.

Jordan Mosby Awarded NSF Fellowship

Jordan Mosby has been awarded a 2021 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. NSF Fellowships are extremely competitive.

Scientists Are Becoming More Politically Engaged

Scott Frickel with co-authors published an opinion piece within Scientific AmericanScientists Are Becoming More Politically Engaged – Here’s what that means beyond the 2020 elections. In many ways, science itself was on the ballot this Election Day.

The cultural politics defining the 2020 election

Michael Kennedy has published an article in The Progressive Post where he discusses "the cultural politics defining the 2020 Election" detailing divisions within the United States, misinformation, and risings of extremism. "America is not only more divided than progressives imagined. What is worse is that we are polarized in ways that Trump conjures."

Solidarność, with Michael Kennedy

On August 31st the Polish movement, Solidarność, can be called 40 years old. This time in 1980, an agreement was signed allowing for the formation of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity. In the middle of July 2020, Prof. Michael Kennedy recorded a video for a Polish foundation, Centrum Historii Zajezdnia, reflecting on what Solidarity was 40 years ago, and where we might see it today.

Dr. Wang Successfully Defends

Rebecca Wang has successfully defended her dissertation entitled: "Situating Migration in the Family: Migration and Family Instability in South African and Kenya." 

Faculty in Focus - Michael Kennedy

Professor Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve and Professor Michael Kennedy discuss "engaged scholarship" during the COVID-19 crisis. They discuss the importance of solidarity during a time of social distancing as well as discuss how students will be the innovators for a more equitable post-pandemic future. 

Faculty in Focus - Timmons Roberts

Drastic measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 have had an unintended & positive impact on the health of our environment. In our "Faculty in Focus" event, Prof. Timmons Roberts discusses climate justice with host Prof. Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve​.
