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August 31, 2006

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Wall Street Journal September 1, 2006
Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition
Two previously-published articles that mention Brown University have been reprinted in this month’s Classroom Edition: Putting the Net in Network (; originally published May 22) and Jobs for Sale (; originally published June 10)

Washington Post August 31, 2006
Greetings from the front yard
Sociology Professor John Logan comments on the trend in American suburbia to announce sentiments, once expressed through greeting cards, via giant posters and displays on their front yards. “Americans like the grand gesture,” Logan said.

Business Week August 31, 2006
Google offers classics for free
Peter Gale Nelson, assistant director of the Literary Arts Program, comments on the economic impact of a new feature of Google’s online book program. The feature enables users to download and print the complete text of out-of-copyright works free of charge.

FrontPage magazine September 1, 2006
Dissenters from campus orthodoxy
An opinion piece about increased presence of conservatives’ voices on the Brown campus notes President Ruth Simmons’ establishment of the Brown University Community Council and the Kaleidoscope Lecture Fund. (The fund was designed to bring to campus speakers whose ideas and convictions may add an important dimension to civil discourse on topics of interest to the campus community.)

FrontPage August 30, 2006
Reciting the shehada in Gaza
Associate Professor of Medicine Andrew G. Bostom, M.D., offers this opinion piece about forced conversion to Islam, using the experiences of two broadcast journalists who were freed after two weeks of captivity in Gaza as his starting point.

Stanford School of Medicine Press Release August 30, 2006
More than just pretty faces for this brain region
David Ress, associate professor of neuroscience at Brown University and a former research scientist at Stanford University, was the senior author of a Stanford study that found that a region of the brain once thought to be devoted solely to face recognition does much more. News of the findings was published in dozens of online science media.