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New York Times September 1, 2006
Voters hear countless ways of saying 'sorry'
Politicians have been apologizing for as long as they've been getting in trouble. For an article about the recent wave of political mea culpas, Edward Widmer, the director at the John Carter Brown Library who previously worked as a speechwriter in the Clinton White House, breaks political apologies into several categories. This article appeared in the International Herald Tribune, and in several other newspapers throughout the United States.

Associated Press September 1, 2006
The first test of the school year: when to sleep
Professor of Psychology Mary Carskadon discusses the sleep needs of teens and how students can start adjusting to their school schedule before classes begin. This article was distributed to the wire service’s members and appeared in several newspapers in New Jersey.

Providence Journal August 31, 2006
Women in politics: Why so few serve
Associate Professor of Political Science Wendy Schiller is among those interviewed for an article about why so few Rhode Island women seek or hold political office. Schiller noted that women's traditional roles as mothers and wives continue to have a major impact on political success.

Brown University Press Release September 1, 2006
Brown students to get free, legal access to digital music
Brown University students now have unlimited access to 1.5 million songs, plus hundreds of movies, videos, and television shows, available to download through Ruckus. The Boston Globe’s Sept. 2 edition mentioned the new service in its New England Briefs column.

Fox News September 1, 2006
Andrew Bostom on "O'Reilly Factor"
Associate Professor of Medicine Andrew G. Bostom, M.D., is among the guests discussing the Koran’s teachings about violence.

NBC News September 1, 2006
John Logan on "NBC Nightly News"
Sociology Professor John Logan, who conducted the first in-depth demographic analysis of Hurricane Katrina’s effect on New Orleans, discusses people who have left New Orleans, and those who have yet to return.

Dallas Morning News September 4, 2006
Colleges hit, miss after Katrina
Brown University’s outreach to Dillard University in the wake of Hurricane Katrina is noted in this article about schools trying to rebuild in New Orleans.

Providence Journal September 5, 2006
Labor Day statement
Members of Local 615 of the Service Employees International Union, many of them employees of Brown University, demonstrate for higher wages and cheaper health care. The union’s contract with the University expires on Oct. 12. Negotiations on a new contract are scheduled to start Sept. 14, said Joseph Faial, Brown's catering coordinator.

Trinidad & Tobago Express September 3, 2006
Honor for Lamming
George Lamming, visiting professor of African studies, will receive the Du Bois Memorial Medal September 19 in Paris. The award, part of the 50th anniversary of the First International Congress of Black Writers and Artists, is co-sponsored by UNESCO, Harvard’s W.E.B. DuBois Institute for African and African American Research, and Presence Africaine. The event will be held at the Sorbonne.

Providence Business News September 1, 2006
Turnout key in R.I. primaries
Professor of Political Science Darrell West discusses the possible outcomes of the several R.I. primaries.

Providence Business News September 1, 2006
Slater turns to private capital
John Oliver, an assistant professor of chemistry (research) and founder of Gene Spectrum in Providence, is developing technology to reduce the cost of sequencing of DNA. He is among those interviewed in an article about the Slater Technology Fund’s proposed transition from a state-funded entity to one that also uses private funds.

Washington Business Journal September 1, 2006
SureScripts signs on for online prescription tests
Kate Lapane, associate professor of community health, is the principal investigator of a federal pilot program to set national standards on how physicians and pharmacists exchange prescriptions online.