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Providence Journal September 5, 2006
Colleges refocusing on community service
Increasingly, colleges and universities around the country are embracing community service as an integral part of the college experience, according to the Campus Compact, a national coalition of 975 college and university presidents based at Brown University that promotes public and community service. September 6, 2006
Meth restricts babies' growth
Methamphetamine taken during pregnancy can lead to underweight babies, according to a paper published by Barry Lester, professor of psychiatry and human behavior. "We are very concerned about the developmental implications,” he said. “Children who are born underweight tend to have behaviour problems, such as hyperactivity or short attention span, as well as learning difficulties." This article appeared on the BBC Web site. A similar article was published by United Press International.

USA Today September 5, 2006
Toothless cud chewers
Professor of Biology Christine Janis speculates why ancestral ruminants lost their top cutting teeth.

Brown University Press Release September 5, 2006
Brown faculty begins academic year with roster of 658
Brown University began its 243rd academic year Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006, with its largest faculty ever. Dean of the Faculty Rajiv Vohra reported a roster of regular faculty that stood at 658. Brief profiles of Brown’s new faculty are available, grouped according to discipline:
Life Sciences:
Physical Sciences:
Social Sciences:

Brown University Press Release September 6, 2006
State health department Web sites inaccessible to many, study finds
Web sites maintained by state health departments have progressed to offer more services and information over the last five years. But according to a report by Brown University researchers Darrell West and Edward Alan Miller, many sites still fall short of providing fair and equitable accessibility for all Americans. (The Health Behavior News Service published an articlce about this study on August 31.)

Campus Compact Press Release September 1, 2006
One year after Katrina, higher education continues to lead aid efforts
In the wake of the hurricanes that devastated the Gulf Coast in the fall of 2005, higher education responded not only quickly but on a grand scale. Colleges and universities across the country raised millions of dollars in relief aid and opened their doors to tens of thousands of displaced college students and residents from storm-ravaged areas. One year later, these efforts are still going strong. The press release notes the creation of Brown University’s $5-million hurricane relief fund through the generosity of Sidney Frank ’42.

Fox News September 6, 2006
Wendy Schiller on "Fox News Live"
Wendy Schiller, associate professor of political science, discusses a new Web site produced by the Democratic Party that hopes to reach voters with a faith-based appeal.