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September 8, 2006

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NPR "Here and Now" September 8, 2006
Susan Graseck on "Here and Now"
Susan Graseck, director of the Watson Institute for International Studies’ Choices for the 21st Century Education Program, discusses how to teach young people about terrorism and events surrounding 9/11. Choices offers online lesson plans on the topic; a fifth print edition of Choices’ Responding to Terrorism: Challenges for Democracy will be available in mid-September, with updates that cover Guantanamo, the July 2006 Supreme Court decision, and the treatment of detainees ; new information on federal preparedness (in light of Hurricane Katrina); and new material on the war in Iraq.

New London (CT) Day September 8, 2006
Sen. Chafee forced to get tough in last days of race
Wendy Schiller, associate professor of political science, critiques the debate style demonstrated by R.I. Sen. Lincoln Chafee against primary opponent Stephen Laffey.

Hartford Courant September 8, 2006
Senate confirmation of ambassador stalls
R.I. Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, scrubs a vote on the confirmation of John Bolton as U.N. ambassador. Professor of Political Science Darrell West offers his perspective on Chafee’s tactic. This article also appeared in the Baltimore Sun and Chicago Tribune.

United Press International September 7, 2006
Black teens reveal risky sex behaviors
A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health suggests that African-American teenagers with symptoms of depression are more than four times likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. The lead author of the study is Larry Brown, professor of psychiatry and human behavior.

Voice of America September 8, 2006
William Beeman on Voice of America
Voice of America interviews Professor of Anthropology William Beeman, who frequently writes about current events in the Middle East, for its broadcast in Persian. The interview was conducted via Brown University’s new remote television studio.