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Xinhua General News Service September 12, 2006
Six scientists win Shaw Prize in HK
At a ceremony in Hong Kong, six scientists, including Professor of Applied Mathematics David Mumford, received Shaw Prizes. Established in 2002 under the auspices of Run Run Shaw, the annual prize consists of three awards in the fields of astronomy, life science and medicine, and mathematical sciences.

New York Times September 12, 2006
Weathered asteroids
Using data collected by a Japanese space probe in a rendezvous with an asteroid, senior research associate Takahiro Hiroi and collaborators have demonstrated that space weathering occurs even on small asteroids. The findings were published in the journal Nature.

American Chemical Society press release September 11, 2006
Nanotechnology propels advances in regenerative medicine research
Nanotubes help adult stem cells morph into neurons in brain-damaged rats, according to findings published by Associate Professor of Engineering Thomas Webster and colleagues at Yonsei University in Seoul. The finding could have important implications for the treatment of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders, Webster says.

Washington Post September 12, 2006
Wrestling with the lessons of 9/11
Until recently, 9/11 has been difficult to broach in the classroom. But educators say that is starting to change. Susan Graseck, director of the Watson Institute for International Studies’ Choices for the 21st Century Education Program, said thousands of teachers have purchased the program’s curriculum materials for teaching international issues since 2001. She said the total, up sharply, is evidence of a renewed interest in international relations among educators.

Financial September 12, 2006
GOP leaders throw weight behind Chafee
National Republican leaders are doing all they can to ensure that R.I. Sen. Lincoln Chafee wins today’s primary. If he loses to Stephen Laffey, “it really says that Republicans in Rhode Island care more about the purity of their ideology than holding the seat,” said Wendy Schiller, associate professor of political science. This article also appeared on the MSNBC Web site.

Associated Press September 12, 2006
R.I. primary could alter power in U.S. Senate
Professor of Political Science Darrell West discusses the campaign strategy of Stephen Laffey, who is challenging incumbent Sen. Lincoln Chafee in today’s GOP primary. This wire service article appeared in several New England publications.

Christian Science Monitor September 12, 2006
Political moderates imperiled
"Moderates in the Northeast are a disappearing species, and this could be the year of the final purge," Political Science Professor Darrell West says in an article about the Chafee-Laffey race.